eight - love problems

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i stayed the night at Daniel's house. my parents were never home anyway, as they always had work. we mostly spent time watching Daniel's favorite movies until we fell asleep. when i woke up daniel was still sleeping, lips slightly parted and facing me. i lightly giggled as i sat up and stroked his fluffy locks. he just looked so cute.

i heard him groan as he furrowed his eyebrows and stretched his arms. "morning sleepy" i gently said.

Daniel opened his eyes and smiled as soon as he saw me. "Morning" He said as he sat up beside me. "Come here" he held his arms wide open.

i went into them, him holding me in the best hug i've ever gotten. If there was one thing about Daniel, it was that he was a great hugger.

"mmmm" he sighed, relaxing. "i love you" i mumbled from his shoulder. "i love you more." he smiled down at me. i looked up him, his lips quickly moved toward mine. i felt like i was going to explode from the amount of butterflies i felt in my stomach. we kissed a long, passionate kiss, which felt like a minute long.

when our lips parted, he rubbed up and down my shoulders, then got out of bed and looked out his window. "i don't think my ma's here yet." he said. "strange." i said back, just then i saw a note on Daniel's door. i got up and grabbed it, Daniel saw and sat next to me on the bed as i read it out loud.

"Daniel, I got called to work early today. Make sure you make it to school on time without me having to wake you up! :)

Ps. You and y/n are the cutest."

Daniel rushed to get the note and read it for himself and chuckled nervously, "so she saw us..."

Daniel saw my rosey face and laughed , pointing to me. "hey!" I said. all of a sudden I remembered me and Daniel have school. "shoot." "what?" he asked. "we have school" his eyes went wide, as we didn't even have time to eat breakfast, because if we did, we'd be late. Me and Daniel decided to match shoes today, we both wore Nike Blazers to school. I paired them with cute leg warmers.

"come on hurry y/n we're gonna be late for sure." he said, waiting for me by the bottom of my stairs. I raced down and jumped the last few to the ground. Daniel scanned me up and down before we walked to the gate. He practically kicked the front gate open. A boy fell from the other side, the boy who I recognized to be Freddy Fernandez. Freddy had just moved here a few months ago--a little earlier than Daniel had.

"Hey y/n," Freddy said, as I tried being nice by helping him up. "Hey Freddy, sorry we're in a rush." I said, laughing it off. "Hey no worries. Say y/n, I've been meaning to talk to you."

I looked back at Daniel, and he had an expression on his face that was worried we'd be late to school, but he said. "Go ahead y/n."

"I could drop her off at school." Freddy said. Daniel nodded and made sure it was okay with me by looking at me, and I nodded. "See ya." Daniel said as he slid his arm down from my shoulder to my hand and left.

I looked at Freddy, "so?". He leaned against the wall, coolly, "Uh," He awkwardly chuckled. "so that's the new guy who moved in here, huh?" he said. "yep."

"okayyy..." he awkwardly said, stretching out the y. I looked around, as to give him a hint as to why he was wasting my time. "Just get to the point Freddy!"

"Um, y/n...I've been meaning to tell ya. You know about that school dance that's coming up?" He spoke with a stutter. I nodded.

"Well, I was thinking if we could go together." He said. I laughed a little than shook my head, "Freddy, I'm with Daniel--and I could never do that to him." I said, in my kindest tone. Freddy looked down at the ground, kicking air. "Okay. Hey can I at least drop you off at school?"

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