Ch. 1 : " Ripped Arm. "

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( A/N, This is my first story I actually published so my bad if it's lowkey bad )

|| - WARNING - ||
This chapter contains a reasonable amount of Gore, Blood as well as Swearing. If you're uncomfortable reading the bloody parts I'll make sure to repeat what happened in the next chapter and put a warning.

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It was more of a rainy day as Walter and the rest of the group had to go on a mission, once again. Some complained, some just dealt with it and got ready while Walter was already rushing everyone to get into the car, barking orders while waiting outside leaning against the jeep they were supposed to ride in, with his arms crossed as he was getting impatient. And before he knew, it he had a cigarette between his fingers, lighting it up and then taking, what you could say 'a huff' and then blowing the smoke out.

"These will be the death of me" "Then why won't you stop smoking" a familiar voice could be heard in front of him and as he looked up he noticed Y/N standing in his view keeping their distance, as to not get the smell of cigarettes on them.

"Where are the others" He coldly asked, ignoring the question Y/N asked him.

"They're getting ready. They should be out here in a few." Walter only lets out a hum as he dropped the cigarette on the ground and stomped on it slightly. A few minutes later everyone else came out of the base and they went into the car straight away. Walter being the driver as always had to start up the car.

Walter sitting behind the wheel as Y/N was sitting right beside him in the passenger seat and the rest in the back, the ride was quiet and the only thing you could hear is the sound of the engine working.

"What is the mission exactly about?" Walter heard the familiar voice from behind him asking the question.

"We're supposed to test a bomb in an abandoned building but before we do it everyone has to check if anyone is in there. I'm too fucking tired for being responsible for another death that was caused by an 'accident'." He finished with a sign at the end being genuinely tired of all this chaos.

"That building, is bigger, than our fucking base how are we supposed to check the whole building, tell me." Y/N argued. "We're going to split into groups and then check the building, L/N." Walter replied as his voice was filled with annoyance, as he was too tired for arguing. The rest of the ride went smoothly except for Walter having to stop the car and yell at all of them for yelling at the top of their lungs arguing over something, everyone went quiet for the rest of the ride. Parking the car somewhere where it was out of sight making sure it was locked, all of them got ready and pulled their guns out for protection, then walking to the building they were assigned to go. They split into small groups with two people as Walter said in the car, Walter and Y/N went the opposite way where the other groups went.

Going through the woods looking around for anything that could be considered dangerous as to not get hurt.

"Sooo.. How are you doing-" Y/N cut themselves off as they noticed Walter glaring at them with his cold state as his eyes showed little to no interest in starting a small conversation as they continued making their way to the structure. The rest of the walk to the building was rather quiet as nothing really happened. The silence was quite uncomfortable but both of them just dealt with it and shrugged it off as they continued what they were doing. As they arrived at the assigned place they were the first ones to get there because of the Colonel practically yelling at the other to hurry up. Walter taking off his headset he had on, so he could communicate with the others as his hair fell loosely around his shoulders and neck. The eyebags under his eyes were horrible but what do you expect from a colonel who has like millions of papers to go through and take care of them all. And not to mention that he has a team to take care of. As the rest of the group started coming over they adjusted their gear and checked if everything is alright, like their guns, headsets and etcetera. Splitting into the same groups as they were in earlier. Walking into the building, Walter accidentally almost hitting himself on the head because of the doorway being too small for him all of them told each other what ways they all will take and they all agreed that it's fine. Y/N and Walter went upstairs as the others took the ground / first floor, looking around no one seemed to find anything except some old bacon soup that had what looked like a cartoon-ish demon that had what seemed like a name next to it 'Bendy', at the back of the can there was a quite short sentence 'Just like the little devil likes it.', the letters had a very sharp look to them just like the small drawing at the front of the can. They also happened to find some old crowbars that had rust on them, looking like they were there for a long time. The place had grey and white walls as the floor was more of a black color. In some corners there were spiderwebs and what looked like dried out blood. What seemed like hours everyone met outside explaining what they saw. As they were sure no one was there, they went to place the bomb they had to test in one of the empty rooms with only some old posters in it that had a 'Follow Your Dreams!' text on all of the posters as they were some.. Robots is what you could call them on the posters. Weird.. All of them shrugging it off they went back outside and far away from the building not wanting to get hurt by any chance because of their stupidity and staying close to the building. Making sure they were as far as they could from the place, Walter's thumb hovered over the button that would activate the bomb in one move but he halted. He looked at the building once last time before hesitantly putting pressure on his thumb pressing the button. The structure exploded into pieces, not a heartbeat later as they thought they were far away from the construction parts of the concrete walls, stairs and whatever you could think of were lunged in every direction. The group immediately started running as fast as their legs could. Just as they were close to the car a part of the roof of the building landed straight on Walter's arm.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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