"I can hear the tears through the phone
I'll keep you company
Ain't gotta be alone"You texted me at midnight, when i was about to sleep. Do you know how bad my day that day? How tired am i that day?
But you know, i don't want you to wait for me to respond you. You cant be alone.
You said you need call. You need friend.
I said, Ok, Call me.3 minutes passed, and all i hear is your tears. Tears that made me wonder.
What exactly are you crying about?
What happened?
What happened to you?The tears sounded like a heartbroken tears.
I hate hearing it.
I was the only one who heard it. Me.
And i made sure, I was the only one who heard it.
For forever and ever.But sometimes, I paused and thought.
Why you only did this to me?
Why do you only cry when you call me?
And never with your friends?
I dont want to hear tears. Anymore.
I want to hear you.
I want to hear you laughing while you call me, as if you're happy calling me.Why?