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The Staybridge Institute stood as an impressive structure, its sprawling campus echoing with the buzz of students as Hyunjin made his way through the gate. The air was thick with the promise of a new beginning, but Hyunjin's nerves betrayed him, evident in the way he absentmindedly twirled a strand of his unruly hair.

His mom, Mrs. Kim, walked alongside him, her eyes scanning the vibrant surroundings with a mix of awe and concern for her son's disheveled appearance. She nudged him gently, "Hyunjin, you're about to start a new chapter in your life. At least let me fix your hair."

Hyunjin sighed but relented, allowing his mom to run her fingers through his hair and make a feeble attempt to tame the wild strands. Despite his initial resistance, he couldn't help but appreciate the familiar touch of his mother's care.

"Remember, first impressions matter," she advised, straightening out the wrinkles in his shirt and then trying to remove the sunglasses off his face. He allowed her to do the former but when she reached out to the glasses, he turned his head away from her. He hated his eyes and the least he could do was hide them using those sunglasses. 

" have to remove it...I KNOW why you are keeping it on but champ, you need not feel differently. We Koreans have our eyes like that. And even your eyes are sooooo expressive and pretty...try removing it for a while atleast." she pleaded, as she looked at the crowd walking inside.

Hyunjin gave her a half-smile, the combination of nerves and excitement evident in his eyes. "I know, Mom. I'll try."

As they strolled through the bustling campus, Mrs. Kim shared stories of her own college days in Korea, a mix of nostalgia and parental wisdom in her words. The sun cast a warm glow on the courtyard, where students gathered in small groups, eagerly discussing classes and plans for the semester.

The main building loomed ahead, and Mrs. Kim couldn't help but feel a twinge of pride as she accompanied her son to the entrance. She took a moment to straighten his backpack and dust off imaginary lint from his shoulders.

"Hyunjin, make the most of this opportunity. Study hard, make friends, and enjoy every moment," she said, her eyes filled with a mother's love and concern.

Hyunjin nodded, appreciating his mother's support. As they approached the entrance of the building, Mrs. Kim bid him farewell with a hug. "You've got this, Hyunjin. I'll be waiting for you right here when you're done."

Taking a deep breath, Hyunjin stepped into the bustling corridors of Staybridge Institute. The chatter of students and the scent of anticipation filled the air. With his mom's words echoing in his mind, he ventured into his first class, ready to face the challenges and adventures that awaited him in this new chapter of his life.

As Hyunjin settled into his first class at Staybridge Institute, he couldn't help but let his mind wander. The professor droned on about the history of the institute, its founding principles, and the notable alumni who had passed through its halls. However, Hyunjin's attention was divided, and his thoughts circled back to the last 3 months of his stay in India. His parents Mr and Mrs.Kim had moved to India when Hyunjin was 15 and since then he'd stayed at his aunt's house. For college he'd moved to India 3 months back and his stay was anything but pleasant.

First of all, days after he reached India he enrolled himself in an art program. When he attended his first art class, he noticed that all the students were eyeing him differently. But he soon forgot it when all of them were kind to him.

But as 3 months passed in the art program, he noticed one thing - People were kind to him, but they were distant. It was like they were trying to avoid him. And that happened everywhere except his own home and his neighborhood (his parents had lived there for years now and those people were used to seeing them around).

When he reached home after the last day of the art program (the whole art program is only 3 months long ), he removed his bag off his shoulders - and rested his back on the couch as he thought.

'Is it my eyes?'

'Won't I get any true friends?'

'It was easier back there in Seoul.'

'Is it my eyes?'


aHem aHem, guys its my first ff so if you find anything cringe or 'not upto the mark' I promise I'll improve.

So, guys what do you think about Hyunjin and his new insecurity? For real!? Bruh I'd die to be his friend but unfortunately, I cannot meet him in person. 

The name of the Institute was derived from StRay KiDs ofc. And here our Hyunjin is a BLINK and so is IRA. Enjoy....❤️❤️

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