One Rainy Day Part-II

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"No no no," Hyunjin said, kneeling down in fear. She was not inside - what to do now? where is she? Jeongin had a fever and now the worry seemed to be increasing his fatigue and headache.

"I think she is right inside. Cuz the watchman didn't see her leave" Hyunjin said, trying to search, and Jeongin's next words got him worried a lot - "Geez, she is scared of the dark corridors like these. There is a power cut in this whole area. Now she must be freaking out. Hope she is okay."

Hyunjin ran across the corridors searching for her shouting - "Ira...It's Hyunjin here! Bob...Uh Jeongin is here too!"

Sweat beads formed on his forehead as Jeongin's knees wobbled and he fell flat on the ground. His already present fever was making him weaker each minute. He stood up and searched for her again. Hyunjin entered the yoga room and was delighted to find Ira. But the state she was in was disheartening. She was sitting on the floor with her back resting on the wall. She was sweating all over and her eyes were half closed. 

"Ira!" he exclaimed and went towards her. She did not respond to his cry, lost in her own world. He kneeled beside her, shook her, and then she snapped out of them. "Hyunjin?" she called out. And then she gave a beautiful smile. He noticed that her eyes were filled with tears and her cheeks were already wet with them. "Gosh, I was scared," she said, her voice giving up. "I even shouted for the watchman, he wasn't able to hear me at all," she added.

"Its alright" Hyunjin said, holding her palm tightly. "Now I'm here."

"That's so good to hear, you know that?" she said, closing her eyes in relief. Oh, how surreal it felt to have someone by your side when you needed it. Hyunjin realized he'd been holding her hand for longer than needed but he felt she needed to hold his hand a little longer as she'd been traumatized for how many hours...

"I thought of leaving at 7 you know..." she said, opening her eyes. Hyunjin looked at his phone - 8:30.

Right. For one and a half hours. 

"Let's go out of here." she said standing up. He followed. All of a sudden they heard slow footsteps, and a thud accompanied by the sound of something like a stick falling. "Did you hear it too?" she asked. He nodded and the duo ran out of the room to find Jeongin (Bob) lying on the floor. Along with the broom which he'd tried to hold for support.

"Mr.Bob!" the duo shouted as they ran towards him. Hyunjin tried waking him up but it was to no avail. "God, he is burning" Ira said, as she felt his hand. Hyunjin felt his forehead and agreed. "We need to take him to the hospital." Ira said, and Hyunjin immediately flung Jeongin's hand on his shoulder. He instructed her to do the same and they brought him out of the building with a lot of effort. The watchman thankfully noticed them and helped them reach Jeongin's car, which was surrounded by a lot of water. And by a lot - it's a lot. 3 feet to be precise.

"His car key." Ira said as she took his key from his pocket. Hyunjin rode the car as Jeongin and Ira stayed in the backseat.


The ruffling of sheets woke Hyunjin up from his slumber. He looked at Jeongin who was now awake. Hyunjin looked at the time - 12:24.

"Good Morning Sir" Hyunjin said, and Jeongin looked at him in confusion. "What happened?" Jeongin asked. He heard Ira chuckle from beside him - "Why do everyone ask the same thing when they wake up in the hospital?" 

Ira's question made Jeongin smile. "Good that you smiled." Ira said.

"You know Mr.Bob, your fever reached 106" Hyunjin said. "Cuz of you both of us had to stay here all night. We took turns to sleep too, you know. You got us worried." Ira said clicking her tongue. Jeongin's face dropped - "Sorry guys"

 Jeongin's face dropped - "Sorry guys"

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"She's kidding. By the time you got admitted here, the outside was flooded.  We couldn't go out anyways." Hyunjin said, laughing out loud. Jeongin pouted and made Ira wonder whether he was 26 or 16. Anyway, he looked way younger after a nap. His hair was all messy.

"Now it is a little okay outside. I messaged Mum last night telling her I'd be stuck in the hospital. I need to go now. Take care of yourself Mr.Bob." she said, and turned to walk away.

"Wait Ira" Jeongin called out. She turned back and saw Jeongin smiling - "Can you drop the formalities? Call me Jeongin or Innie or I.N like you used to back in school days. I feel old when you call me Mr.Bob."

"But you are my teacher now." she said, crossing her hands. "And we are not close friends anymore. You are my teacher."

"Not close anymore cuz we lost in touch for a year? I'm sorry for that. And please, at college I am your teacher - outside...I am your friend. Please...Rachel is making me crazy. I can't stand her atrocities at home. I need friends now." Jeongin said. Ira pretended to think for a while - "For the sake of old times...its a yes from my side."

"And you married Rachel? Wow...Rachel Lee from highschool? 11A?" she asked him and he nodded. "I love her a lot - but she is just a pain in my butt nowadays. I don't know but she keeps blaming me for everything, the only girl she permits me to talk to is 'her'. And 'you' cuz you made us hook up together." he said, touching his forehead.

"I feel okay now. But my body is still weak...OH WAIT. MY CAR IS IN ON THE COLLEGE ENTRANCE!" he shouted. "It's outside this hospital." Ira said and he frowned.

"Who rode it to here?" he asked and Hyunjin raised his hand. "You have a driving license?" Jeongin asked. Hyunjin shook his head for a no and Jeongin slapped his forehead - "It's risky, given the police-"

"Oh it was so flooded that no one was out there." Ira said.

"Don't drive without a license" jeongin warned. 

"YES DADDY," Hyunjin said in a singsong voice and the trio burst out laughing. Hyunjin cleared his throat and asked - "Does this 'call me Jeongin we are close friends' apply to only her or do I have the privilege as well?"

"It applies to you too Sam. You are her boyfriend after all." Jeongin said and Ira blushed hard. "he is just my friend" Ira said, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Just friend?" Hyunjin asked, disappointed. "Best friend" he corrected her. "OKIE SIR" she said and Hyunjin busted out laughing at her tone. Jeongin sat there, confused. He'd been thinking they were a couple until then. 

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