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Guts had managed to escape Owen's grasp, running as fast as they could to tell somebody about his true intentions towards the other demons.

They bumped into Rasbi, knocking her over. "Rasbi! Are you okay?! Did he do anything to you yet!?" Guts spat out in a panic, picking Rasbi up and putting her back on her feet.

Rasbi looked at Guts puzzled "Guts what... who?" Rasbi said groggy and dizzy from being knocked right off her feet.

"Owen! He just tried to kill me!" Guts shouted "What? You're lying..." Rasbi said, of course being in denial, Owen is her best friend after all!

"No! Just- ugh!" Guts was frustrated, how were they gonna get ANYONE to believe them? The glade members will think they're crazy!

Suddenly Owen walked out of the forest as if nothing had happened. "You!" Guts called out, pissed off at Owen for trying to kill them, they jumped in front of Rasbi in case he wanted to try anything.

"What? What happened?" Owen said with a small smirk, quickly returning to a worried face.

"You know what you did! Tell Rasbi!" Guts shouted at Owen, getting aggressive clearly.

"Guts calm down! I won't believe you until you give some sort of proof!" Rasbi yelled at Guts, walking over to Owen.

"You're gonna get yourself killed Rasbi!" Guts shouted. The 9ft being was already intimidating, with the tattoos and scars they had, their aggression wasn't helping them.

"You're delusional." Rasbi grabbed Owen by the arm, not too hard as to not hurt him and started walking away, before Guts ran over grabbing Owen throwing him.

Rasbi looked over in surprise letting go of Owen so she wasn't thrown with him "what are you doing Guts?!" She shouted, her voice echoing across the clearing.

Krow walked over calmly, seeing Owen on the floor it broke out in laughter.

Guts looked at Krow, maybe it'll believe them! "Krow! Owen just tried to kill me! He wants to kill every demon in this clearing!" Guts spat out, getting on Krows level, it was a lot shorter than Guts.

"What? You're surprised?" Krow said with a chuckle. "This guy has been bad news from the start! You're so naive." it spat out, Guts didn't say a word, Krow was right. "I'm confused..." Owen said, though it didn't sound very genuine, he was never good with faking tone.

"Don't act dumb, you know you're guilty." Krow said. "Why would you... Owen, what did you do..." Rasbi spoke in a quavering voice, sounding like she was on the verge of tears.

"I did what I had to do, none of you understand. Owen said trying to stand up

Krow kicked him right back down pinning him on the ground. By this time more clearing members had been attracted from all the commotion.

Some being Kyle, Magic, Acho, and Bek. "Woah Krow! What's going on?!" Magic spoke in shock from seeing Krow pinning Owen on the ground.

"Owen tried to kill Guts and Guts is throwing a fit over it" Krow said numbly, not sounding like it really cared.

"Of course I'm upset about it, he tried to kill me!" Guts shouted at Krow, who didn't seem to even flinch at their aggression.

Magic stepped in, "Krow, get off of Owen, Guts I'm sorry but there's no proof!" Krow rolled its eyes, not getting off Owen

"no, punish him. As much as I want to get my foot off his racist ass, Guts is right, he could kill every demon in the clearing."

Krow sighed, "and I want to get out of here, preferably alive." It glared down at Owen who was giving it the same nasty glare back.

Magic let out a defeated sigh, Krow was right. "Okay... let's get him to the prison..."

Krow grabbed Owen, its claws digging into his flesh as Owen let out a pained groan

"Krow be careful!" Magic shouted grabbing Owen, Krow relaxed its claws and they both lead him to prison

"Are we all really gonna trust Krow?? That guy is insane!" Kyle yelled

"I agree. Not on the insane part, but we shouldn't trust Krow based on its words, neither should we Guts" Bek spoke

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Guts yelled at the both of them "hey, Guts calm down... I believe you if that helps!" Acho said trying to calm them

"Yeah... but still! You guys think I'm lying?!" Guys just sounded angry, they were getting more pissed off by the second.

"I mean you have no proof he did anything, I see no fresh marks on you." Bek said

How was Guts gonna get anyone to believe them?
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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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