The Accident (Part Two)

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When Shoto and Vox had a little fight, Vox told shoto he's going stay with him forever and be his little slave, But not only that Vox tried to hooking up with Shoto, As for shoto he was - thinking ways to escape from Vox.

But until shoto made a fluffy friend, making Shoto completely forgot about escaping Vox's Castle.

While Vox had to deal with two guests in his home, Their names were Luca, and Mysta.
As they're were talking about businesses they got interrupted by his assistant and his bodyguards carrying shoto and his fluffy friend.
( ~Last part of the story~ )

Soon as Vox was going finish his mid-sentence
Two of his body guards and assistant came in with a rush carrying a puppy and shoto...

Luca & mysta : who is he..?

Assistant : Lord Vox, We got two little rats walking around in you dommans..

Vox : What did you do this time!? you little rat-!

Luca : Uhm- Vox do you know him or something is he a close friend or-?

Vox : Wait no, it's not like that fella's I prom-

Mysta : Yeah, Better explain yourself bitch, why is he here-? Wait does he have a puppy-?

Assistant: Yes, he also have a little fluffy friend along with him.

Vox : Okay, But can everyone shut up -? Thank you anyways like I was trying to say. This is - shoto, and I don't remember him having a puppy.

Shoto : I found him, I was walking around your castle, Seemed like I was in a fucking art room then, till I found myself a indoor garden that's where I found him..Me and him got along fine.

Luca : Okay, But Let Vox speak. cause I have so many questions what's happening right now -

Mysta: Same, But Vox where the fuck you met this guy or how did it happen? I thought you - never get leave your castle man..?

Vox : Well, Let's start with Shoto you should hear his point of view how we met, Well Shoto -?

Shoto : (Thought: What is this demon trying to- do with me now..? Whatever it is it's bullshit)

Vox : Well? Go on shoto, Explain every detail - how we met hm? Can't be that hard huh-?

Shoto : Erm, Well it all started with me on a - mission, Hunting demons like YOU -!

Vox : (He chuckled a bit and gave him a smirk)
That's funny cause, I'm not like them shoto-

Shoto : Bullshit Vox! Every demon is the same! THE SAME! They have no will or be shamed of for their own actions towards us humans-!

Luca : Okay, First of all that's not poggers to say and second he's not really like the other demons

Shoto : How do I know that huh-? How can I believe him? Have any proof he's not like the other filthy demons out there -?

Luca : Yes actually, Cause I'm human and I didn't get devoured by Vox, so this case is closed.

Shoto was speechless, Luca human? Vox a demon how come he wasn't eaten or anything else like that!!? How is this possible or even can be possible, he had so many questions going on.

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