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English is not my native language. Chapters will be machine translation from Turkish to English. I'll just edit some of the confusion first.

I wrote all this thing two years ago. There are approximately 20 episodes currently. I hope you will like it

Harry sighed deeply. He was truly happy that he was finally taken into consideration enough to be invited to a fellowship meeting.

But he was still worried about the information——he would learn.

This proved that there was a valid reason why he had been left out of events until now. He didn't want to admit it, but adults were right, as always.

Even though he was involved in the events, he was just a child. He didn't have the strength to deal with the facts without the support of someone. Even when he cheated death, he was still a little baby who couldn't speak.

At least that's what Molly Weasley, whom he saw as a mother figure, said, and she didn't hesitate to repeat it whenever he tried to do something that could be considered even remotely dangerous.

Harry gathered his scattered thoughts together and left his room, trying not to show his excitement on his face. He encountered the twins in the hallway. This encounter was quite strange, as they had only apparated for a short distance of two steps since they came of age.

Noticing Harry's strange look, a mischievous and somewhat smug grin appeared on the twins' faces. Yes, you could think of the two as one because they were exactly the same.

"Hello Harry! What a coincidence. We were just heading down to the fellowship meeting."

"What? You too?"

"Sure," George's grin widened. "Remember, we're of age, man. And we're pretty troubled."

"I think George meant responsible."

(There is a play on words here in the original language. I didn't remove it because it would disrupt the flow of the dialogue. "Sorunlu" troubled / "Sorumlu" Responsible.)

The door they were standing in front of opened and Hermione appeared there. "Before you ask, Ron and I are also attending the meeting.

“I'm sorry this isn't your thing, buddy.” Fred, who didn't seem as upset as he said, grabbed his twin's arm and disappeared with a puff, perhaps to prove how troubled people they were.

Hearing noises coming from downstairs Harry and Hermione giggled slightly as they realized what was going on.

Harry was genuinely disappointed to learn that he wasn't the only one attending the meeting.

Maybe it was frustration that they didn't trust him, even after they gave him far more responsibility than he wanted.

But the end of this little encounter was enough to lift his spirits. They were joined by Ron from the sink and down the creaking stairs to the common area.

"Come on guys, today's meeting will be accompanied by dinner."

When Hermione looked at the fully prepared table, she felt that this meeting, which they were specifically asked to attend, would be a bit frivolous, but she did not express her opinions or reflect them outside. Just smiling Mrs Weasley and asked her if she needed help, even though there was nothing she could do.

Ron wasn't as kind. He immediately set up in his place, keeping his eyes fixed on the chickens on the table. Harry sat next to him and tried to talk to him about what was going to happen. However, when Ron started eating like he was starving, he immediately gave up. Instead, he tried talking to Ginny, who, unlike her brother, was much nicer, who gracefully came over and sat next to him.

However, Ginny didn't seem to know about the meeting. Harry was now starting to get suspicious. Was this really an important meeting? Or were they just fed up with his whining?

The twins, who had made a mess, also settled at the table. Before long, the remaining members of the fellowship arrived from other dark rooms in the house. As they casually sat down at the table and began eating, Harry found himself unable to keep up with what was happening.

He looked at Hermione, who had returned to the table with a small vial of potion in her hand, and when their eyes met, he realized she was probably thinking the same thing. The girl nodded her head in approval.

Even though he didn't want to disturb the calm and peaceful atmosphere, she said softly, "You told us there was a meeting, but it looks like we're just having a normal dinner..."

Sirius raised an eyebrow and looked at the curly haired girl, "What can we discuss on an empty stomach? How about asking Ron for his opinion?"

Hearing his name, Ron immediately looked up, "Huh?"

"I told you."

Lupine laughed and calmly sipped his hot chocolate without touching the spicy food in front of him.

"Ignore what Sirius says, guys. The only person who knows the subject of today's meeting is Dumbledore. He has important news to give us. We don't know when he will arrive, so focus on finishing your meal until then."

"Hah, don't act like I said anything different, Moony. I'm just talking in a way they can understand."

Lupin's tolerant smile turned into a small grin. He and Sirius refrained from using their nicknames, as if they had reached a silent agreement. The good memories from the past were now really starting to hurt. One of his closest friends was dead, and the other was the betrayer who caused this death. Nicknames inevitably evoked these.

"As godfather, you should be more generous to Harry's curiosity, Padfoot."

Lupin was about to continue when Sirius gave him a sparkling look. However, he gave up as Tonks and Moody entered.

All the fellowship members that could be present were now gathered. However, instead of heated discussions, they ate their meals calmly, with small laughs. Until the expected person arrives.

Or rather, people. At short intervals, first Kingsley, then Snape and finally Dumbledore apparated into the hall.

When Harry saw Snape, he immediately snorted and put down the fork in his hand, feeling that he had lost his appetite. He didn't know that he would regret this idea because after what he learned, his appetite would disappear for a much longer time.

Even Ron had stopped eating and kept his eyes on the people arriving. He grimaced with a reaction not unlike Harry's, and wiped the delicious sauce from his face with a napkin.

Unlike them, Hermione showed no particular grudge as she watched Ron with a slight expression of disgust. Oh, right. Guys...

Instead of paying attention to them, Snape continued to stand where he was. Kingsley looked like he was torn between sitting on an empty chair or not. He finally gave up on the idea, thinking that very soon everyone would rise up in chaos.

Dumbledore looked at Harry for a moment with obviously thoughtful eyes, then sighed.

Even the fellowship members, who were quite calm a while ago, became tense with these attitudes.

"I mentioned that I had some pretty important news for you, but I needed to make sure the information was accurate first."

He slowly sat down in a chair, unlike the two men standing next to him. This man, the respected headmaster of the best wizarding school in the world, the only wizard Voldemort feared, was old.

"Please accept what I am about to say calmly."

"Please say." Whether it was because he was nervous or not, Tonks had changed the color of her hair again.

"We have determined that Voldemort has a daughter."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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