Chapter 1

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My vision was red now, my beast had complete control of me.

"NO DYLAN, STOP," My mother started to yell but ended up sobbing as I bit down on my fathers throat, snarling. I was screaming at it to stop, and it did, a few seconds too late.

I shook my head and looked around, shaking off the red haze to my vision. I felt something warm trickle down my chin and I wiped at it with my finger. It came away blood red and I looked around, fearing the worst.
My mother was cowering in the corner, tears in her eyes. I tried to get up but I felt something on my legs. I looked down and screamed. My father was on me, dead, his glassy eyes fixed on my face, the last thing he saw.
I freaked out and jumped up, limping to the bath room. I ignored the blistering hot pain in my lungs and the bruises on my arm. I clumsily locked the door, not that I needed to, my mother wouldn't be up here any time soon. I glanced in the mirror, shocked. I looked like a killer.
I chuckled darkly, I am a killer, I killed my father. I trembled at the thoughts running through my mind and opened the cupboard, pulling out my old razor. I ran the bath, pulled off my pants and shirt and got in the steaming hot water.
I  carved my skin with words. I cut my arms, legs, chest and anywhere I could reach, even parts of my back, but that wasn't words, just deep cuts. I felt my blood leaving my body, making me shiver.
Downstairs I heard a door being smashed down and people yelling to each other. I heard a person outside the bathroom door, it sounded like they were walking in water and I realized that I left the bath running. I tried to look for the tap but my head wouldn't move that far, all I saw was red water. Then, as the door busted in, I blacked out.

Alyssa's POV

"Bust it down"
I yelled at my team, looking at the door. The woman who called wasn't gonna care. This was a peculiar case, she thought her son was a vamp, as if, only females were vamps or weres, the guys were the fair folk or warlocks.
Apparently women can hold their temper better, so the Fates thought it would be a little bit safer. I darted through the door, telling Christy our paramedic to go to the woman in the corner. Marissa automatically went to the dead body and I ran towards the smell of blood, letting my fangs out. I stopped in front of a door, blood sloshing under my boots

"What the actual fuck? "
I wondered out loud. I busted down the door and saw a boy in the bath tub, a razor blade in his hand. He was passed out and the water was red, probably from however many cuts he had made.
I sighed and picked him up, I felt blood trickle down my arms from his back. I dashed down stairs to get Lisa, our other paramedic.

"Lisa he's real bad!"
I yelled out, finally looking at the cuts, the words
"Murderer, monster, abomination and sorry" were repeated everywhere it seemed he could reach, and there were words that had a black tattooed outline on his left arm, along with a ghastly, thin monster hunched over on each side. I heard her gasp as I ran over, not putting him down. She raised her eyebrows and I just said
"His back too"

She swore and said I would have to hold him. I just shrugged. She began to pull out a needle and thread, bandages and disinfectant. She opened the bag again and pulled out an IV stand and IV bag filled with blood and sedatives. The bag was enchanted by her boyfriend who was a fairy. She stuck the needle in whoever I was holding and got to work giving him stitches and disinfecting the cuts. After she finished stitching him up she grinned, and called out

Who was her fairy boy. He had a spell that made her very easy to track and find, he also had a protection spell on her.

He called out, walking through the door.

"Can you levitate him, I need to bandage his back as well"
she asked sweetly. He didn't answer, he just looked at the boy, and he started floating.

"Thanks babe"
She grinned. She whistled and started bandaging him.
I took the time to go through his mothers memories and found his name.

"Lisa, his names Dylan"
I said. She just nodded, busy with all of his wounds. I noticed Hector looking at the blood bag as it rapidly went down and smiled as soon as it filled. He looked around and blushed when he saw that I noticed, I just shrugged. Happy that he helped.

"All done"
Lisa smiled and I picked him back up, wanting him close to me for some reason. I looked at his face and grimaced. I walked over to the kitchen and motioned for Hector to come over. He frowned but came over anyway

"Can you turn the tap on?"
I asked, my hands were full.
He turned them on quickly and I smiled

"Can you levitate him again please"
I asked nicely.

"Why don't you?"
He asked through the mind link and I snarled, fangs and all.

"Because only you and your kind know what I am!"
I replied. My mother was the only woman Fae so of my parents were a Fair Folk and one was a Warlock, I was supposed to be a strong Fae or Warlock, but my mother was kidnapped when she was pregnant and they injected her with Vampire genes. They wanted to know what would happen, and when I came out with wings, they let my mother and I go. But my mother knew what I was, she could see my Aura and like all fae it was light yellow, and my father was a warlock which means I had blue as well, then, as I got older, my mother saw the ring of red all vamps have, and she knew that I was a hybrid. She and my father cast a spell, a glamour to hide my Fae traits, like my wings and eyes. I had eyes like a snake, so they glamoured them to look human-ish and they were brown. But the Fae knew what I was and they were sworn to secrecy.
"But I'm here so they'll think it's me"
He argued and I just mumbled back an okay. I focused on Dylan for a second and he floated. I pulled him over the sink and washed his face and hair, who would have guessed that under all that blood he actually had black hair. I didn't pay attention before but he had a silver lip ring on the bottom right side. I forced Hector to dry Dylans hair with a simple spell and stop the levitation. I carried him to the car and laid him in my arms, he was short, not even height my height, so I had no problem carrying him. I used a simple extraction spell out of curiosity to see if he had fangs and to my utter shock he did. I saw that he had a glamour and I pulled at it, wanting to see why it was there. As soon as it was gone I saw a whole lot more scars on him and I felt something tickle my arms. I levitated him and gasped, he had wings, the exact same shade of black that I did, and the same, feather type. Every fair folk had a different set of wings, if they had them at all, so the chances of having the exact same pair...I thought there was a hint of another glamour but I ignored it. I mind linked my mother to meet me at the hospital asap. I glamoured him again and called every one into the truck that wasn't busy. Our designated driver, Carlie drove us to the hospital and as soon as we stopped I ordered them to leave and I ran inside with Dylan in my arms. I called for Dr Sam and refused the other doctors. As soon as she got there I told her the situation, she knew my secret, I needed a vamp doctor to fix me up so I don't kill someone. My mother ran up to me, asking what the problem was straight away. I snarled at her and said
"You never told me I had a brother"
Her face went pale.

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