☆♡︎ 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥 ♡︎☆

287 6 28

Edited: ✔️
♡︎= Fluff
☆= angst

Uzi's POV

I was lying in my bed, looking up at all of the drawings on my ceiling

"God, I truly am insane. "

I thought to myself as I heard a knock on my door, my dad said something.

"I'm going out, be in bed by 10."

I sigh as I get up, knowing I will just stay up watching anime with Doll and get nothing done. Then I remember that N & V are my friends , so I text them in our gc

The trio

Purple thing: Do you guys wanna come over?? \(^-^)/

Hunk of bolts: Can't. Me & Liz are hanging out

Purple thing: Figured. Anyways, N?

Dapper buddy 1: Sorry Uzi, but I'm doing something right now :(

Purple thing: That's totally fine


Uzi had texted the group chat with me and V to see if we wanted to hang out with her, I told her that I was busy when in reality... I wasn't. I feel bad for lying to her but now I can surprise her by going to see her! I know Uzi doesn't like surprises but I think she might like this one since she likes hanging out with me :) I decided to finish this anime called assassination classroom before going over and I did just that.

20 mins later

Uzi's POV

I'm still sitting on my bed, but this time, I've been listening to Mitski and thinking about stuff. I already asked Doll if she wanted to hang out and she told me that she was hanging out with V & Lizzy which is surprising considering the fact that V killed Dolls parents but then again Lizzy is Dolls best friend and drags her along everywhere. I wish I had a friend group like that, but all I have is a silly little crush on a guy who likes his best friend..yes.. I'm talking about N. Anyways! I contemplate if getting rid of my absolute solver is actually possible or an unattainable goal that I will be trying to achieve for the rest of my life before I slowly start going insane. I feel myself getting a little teary eyed at the thought of the absolute solver taking over again, I hurt so many people, I hurt 2 of the people I cared about, I EVEN KILLED ONE OF THEM! I hear a knock on my door, and at this point, I'm fully balling my eyes out, so I raise my voice just above a whisper to utter the words

"Go away,"


I knocked on Uzi's door and heard her say Go away in a voice so quiet that if I didn't have heightened senses, then I would have never heard it."

"Zi, are you ok..?"

I hear rustling coming from inside of her room and hearing her unlock the door. I slowly open it, not wanting to hit her with the door. I walk in and see her sitting on her bed with her knees curled up to her torso. At first glance, you can tell that she had been crying for a while. I walk over to her bed to comfort her (my specialty :D), but right when I get close,


I look at her confused, I question why she wants me to stop when I see her pointing to a little strip of purple tape on her floor.

"Uzi, what is this tape on the ground for?"

I question her.

"My absolute solver powers can't reach you their, it has a limited range."

I connect the dots on why she's sad. She must have been dwelling on the past again. I gotta do something.

Uzi's pov

I watch as N take the tape off of the floor, out of reaction I pull my absolute solver up and try to get the tape out of his hand but end up taking off the finger that the tape was stuck on. I gasp as I see the finger drop to the floor.

"N! Are you ok! I told you to stay behind the tape!"

He looks up at me with the most innocent smile with his finger in his hand.

"Zi, it's alright, I'm alright. You only took off my finger, and I'm able to put it back on. Everything's fixable, especially me."

I watch him as he puts his finger back on and walks towards me. He sits down on the bed next to me, and I feel this kind of tension between us, I can't quite put it into word, but it's definitely a good feeling.

"I'm still sorry about taking off your finger regardless, but thank you."

He looks at me confused

"For what..? I just took tape off of your floor."

I look at him dumbfounded at what he just said

"So that wasn't supposed to be a learning moment? It wasn't planned out?"

He starts giggling

"No, but I guess it worked out in my favor,"

I lightly punch him on the shoulder as a warning to never do that again.

"What you did was dumb but what you said, I really do thank you,"

He brings me into a warm hug... God, I love him.

"It's no problem, Zi, I would do anything to make you feel better."

I can't tell if him saying that is just his caring side talking or if he actually meant it.

"You know what, since you're here, why don't we go for a walk?"

I stand up, extending a hand to him. He takes it, and we go outside of the colony.


I walk hand and hand with Uzi outside of the 3 humongous doors. I wonder what she's thinking right now? I glance over at her and see a little bit of blush on her visor, and that makes me blush a bit, too. What is this warm feeling? I guess it's nothing. Maybe I'm just hungry. We continue walking for about 10 minutes just talking about life. It's comfortable with little silences in between. One thing that she said stuck with me, though, she said that she felt the feeling that I felt 10 minutes ago for a guy. Could she be talking about me? Probably not. This gives me a big hole in my stomach. I guess I liked her, oh well, too late, I guess. About another 10 minutes later, she took out her wings and flew forward. She was so cool.

"Hey! Wait up!"

I say while taking out my wings and flying over to her. She giggles at me before landing down onto a cliff that's near the corpse spire.

"Come sit with me. The stars are beautiful right now,"

I sit down right next to her after landing and don't even look at the stars. In reality, I'm looking at her.

"Yeah, I agree."

She notices me staring at her and not at the stars and begins to blush heavily. I get embarrassed and look away with a little bit of blush.

"I'm just gonna ask you flat out. Can I kiss you?"

I nod my head slowly, not knowing how to react to the question. Then it happens

She kisses me

I reciprocate the kiss. This makes me feel so good inside. Once we part lips, we just stare at each other. Not knowing what to say or do, I just look her deep in the eyes again.

"So you like me,"

I ask, unsure

"Of course I do!"

I wonder what's gonna happen now when she asked the question

"So what now?"

I shrug my shoulders, then get an idea

"Boyfriend and girlfriend?"

She just looks at me and slowly nods.

"I would like that,"

She rests her head on my shoulder, and I rest my head on hers. We slowly drift off to sleep, forgetting the world around us.

Word count: 1,248


I finished it 💯💯💯💯💯

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