Coming Home

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It was the night that Grandma Rosiepuff was bringing Baby Branch home as Floyd was talking a mile away to his older brothers about being able to see Baby Branch up close, hoping to be able to hold him too. All of them expressed how they felt about this wonderful event.

Floyd: Grandma's coming at any minute to bring Baby Branch home.

Spruce: I can't wait to see his beautiful eyes. *eyes twinkled*

Floyd was thankful that Clay was starting to warm up for his new baby brother after seeing him at the nursery hours ago.

Clay: I want to touch his cutie toes.

JD: I know right? I want to hold him. *rocks his arms as if he was rocking a baby*

Spruce: *starts tearing up* Aww, me too. I just want to hug him, squeezed his soft cheeks, and toss him in the air.

Floyd: *frowns* I don't think you should toss him because he's fragile.

Spruce: Oh, right. My bad. Probably have to wait until he grows up a bit.

....: Boys, look who's finally here.

Floyd: *gasps* Grandma's back and this means.....

Clay: *screams* BABY BRANCH IS HERE!!!


Spruce: *shakes head* Wow, bro. 

Floyd: *frowns* What a way to welcome him.

JD: Bro, you're being too loud!

Clay: *Whispers* Sorry. I got excited.

Floyd: Come on, let's welcome our new baby brother home.

The four brothers ran out of their bedroom, down the stairs, and walked into the living room. The sound of a baby crying echoed in the living room. Grandma Rosiepuff was rocking Baby Branch, holding him in her arms. She faced them with a warm smile on her face.

Rosiepuff: Look who's finally here.

Floyd, John Dory, Clay, and Spruce gathered around and gasped. Wrapped in a dark blue blanket, Baby Branch curled and made cute babbling noises. Water filled in Floyd's eyes as the tears were coming down from his cheeks.

All: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww........

Floyd: *does a tiny wave* Hi, there, Baby Branch.

Spruce: *coos* Isn't he the cutest little thing?

Clay: *gently touches Branch's hair* His hair is so silky.

JD: *sniffles* He's adorable.

Baby Branch opened his blue eyes that gleamed and twinkled at his smiling brothers. His eyes blinked at each and one of them. Somehow his eyes caught Floyd's attention as he kept staring at him. Floyd kept crying as he let out his hand towards his younger brother's cheek, gently touching it. Branch's cheek was soft and a bit bouncy as Floyd rubbed it.

Floyd: Can I hold him?

Clay: I want to hold him.

Spruce: Me too.

JD: I want to hold him first.

Floyd: I want to go last.

Rosiepuff told them to sit on the couch as she unwrapped Baby Branch out of the blanket, giving him to John Dory first, who let out a small gasp.

JD: Oh. Baby Branch. Oh, you're so bitty......Bitty Branch.....*gasps* Bitty B. That would be your nickname. Bitty B.

Branch: *giggles*

John Dory slowly passed Baby Branch to Spruce, who immediately gushed over this baby, cooing at him, pursing his lips at him.

Spruce: *coos* Hello, Branch. Don't you look so cutesy-wootsy? *gently kisses him on the forehead* Awww, your 2nd big brother is here to take care of you. *beeps Branch on the nose*

Branch: *giggles and makes babbling noises*

Clay was next to hold him as he held him close to him, talking to him in a soft way, which to Floyd was not what he usual does, but it's surprising.

Clay: Welcome to the family, little bro.

Branch: *whines a bit and grunts*

Clay was about to lean over to kiss Baby Branch on the forehead, but a sudden loud noise came from Branch as Clay's eyes widened. Spruce and John Dory snickered while Floyd gasped.

Floyd: Oop.

Clay: He farted while I was holding him.

Spruce: Heh heh.

JD: Oh my.....*laughs*

Branch: *cries*

Clay: You hurt his feelings, John!

JD: I didn't mean to laugh. It just came out.

Floyd: Aw, don't cry, Branch. *grabs Baby Branch from Clay*'s okay.....don't cry....shhhhh......there, there,'s okay, your big brother Floyd is here.

As he gently rocked and shushed his baby brother, Floyd started to sing which put his brothers and grandma in shock.

🎶 Rock a bye baby on the tree top 🎶

John Dory, Clay, Spruce, and Rosiepuff stared at Floyd in sudden shock.

Floyd continued to sing.

🎶 When the wind blows the cradle will rock 🎶

🎶 When the bough breaks the cradle will fall 🎶

🎶 And I will catch you, cradle and all 🎶

Branch: *hums*

JD, Clay, Spruce, and Rosiepuff: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww........

Tears were coming down from Floyd's cheeks as Grandma Rosiepuff grabbed some tissue to wipe his tears.

Spruce: That. Was. Beautiful. *cries*

Clay: *sniffles* Wow!

JD: Floyd. You finally sang in front of us and you calmed Baby Branch down.

Rosiepuff: See? I told you that you would be an amazing big brother.

Baby Branch: *makes babbling noises and touches Floyd's hand with his tiny hand*

Floyd: Awwww. *whispers* I promise, I'm going to take care of you, no matter what. *gently kisses him on the forehead* I love you, Baby Branch.

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