Yellow Guy x Voidz

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Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a man named Voidz. Voidz was a skinny white man boxer and he loved to play PC games for VR. Voidz had a best friend named Yellow Guy, who was also a boxer and loved to play VR games with Voidz. They would spend hours on the VR headsets, punching and dodging imaginary opponent.

One day, Voidz and Yellow Guy were out in the park, playing their favorite VR games. Voidz was winning, but Yellow Guy was getting anxious. He had a bad feeling about something.

Suddenly, there was a group of kids hanging around, watching them play. The kids laughed and giggled, making fun of Voidz and Yellow Guy. Voidz didn't care, he just kept playing.

But Yellow Guy was getting angry. He didn't like the way the kids were acting. He tried to ignore them, but it wasn't long before he couldn't resist.

"Hey!" he shouted at the kids. "Leave Voidz alone!"

The kids laughed, but Voidz and Yellow Guy didn't care. They continued playing.

Then, something strange happened. Suddenly, the sky grew dark, and there was a loud rumble. It was as if something was coming.

The kids ran away, but Voidz and Yellow Guy stayed where they were. They knew something was coming, and they were scared.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light, and suddenly, they were no longer in the park. Instead, they were somewhere else.

They looked around, but they didn't know where they were. The place was strange, full of black mist and strange creatures.

"What's going on?" Yellow Guy shouted.

Voidz didn't know, but he knew they needed to find a way out. They searched the area, but there was no exit.

Suddenly, a group of creatures appeared, surrounding them. Voidz knew they had to fight, but he was scared.

"Let's go!" Yellow Guy said, grabbing Voidz by the arm.

They ran, dodging the creatures and the mist. They fought, and they threw punches, but they were outnumbered.

But then, something happened. They found a way out. It was a small tunnel, leading deep into the ground.

They ran through it, and finally, they emerged into a bright light. They were back in the park, back with their VR games.

But something was different. The park was different. The trees were old, the flowers were different, and the animals were big and scary.

Voidz and Yellow Guy were scared. They knew they were back in their old world, but what did that mean?

They looked around, but they didn't know what to do. Everything was different, and they didn't feel like they belonged.

Suddenly, they heard a voice. It was small and meek, but it was familiar. It came from the sky.

"Hello, boys. I am the Voidz. You must be confused. Don't worry, I will help you."

The Voidz had spoken. Voidz and Yellow Guy were shocked. They looked up and saw a huge, old, black cloud. It was the Voidz!

"Yes, I am the Voidz. And I am here to help you. I will guide you back home."

The Voidz spoke again. "But first, there is something you must do. You need to pass the test I gave you before."

The Voidz continued. "You need to find something you lost. It will help you find your way back home. But you must find it, Voidz. You must."

Suddenly, Voidz and Yellow Guy remembered what had happened. They remembered the vision they had, and they knew what they needed to do.

"We found it!" Yellow Guy shouted, holding up a small, round, purple thing.

The Voidz smiled. "Good. Now, go back home. But remember, Voidz, you must find your way back home. Failure is not an option."

With that, the Voidz disappeared, and Voidz and Yellow Guy were back in their world. But they were different, happier, and more confident.

Together, they went back to playing their VR games. But this time, they knew they could face anything that came their way.

And they lived happily ever after.

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