Pink Hearts

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Mischa POV (Something new wooo!)

The Ukrainian strode over to Noel who was sitting by himself, picking at his polished nails. Mischa plopped down next to him, taking a swig of the vodka he had found earlier. After he finished, he offered it to Noel.

"Drink?" he asked, smiling at the pure confusion on Noel's face.

"Where'd you get that?" he shot back, brows furrowing.

Mischa gestured over to Jane who was still quietly conversing with Ricky,

"It's Borthday," he replied, accent slightly ruining his pronunciation.

Noel slowly took the Vodka, looking at it wearily before taking a drink. He paused, swishing it around in his mouth before swallowing it with a slight struggle. He looked at the bottle, and took another swig.

"I've never been drunk before," he admitted, looking at Mischa with a slight smile. "Or kissed a man...thanks."

Mischa returned the smile, giving Noel a playful nudge. The Ukrainian mumbled a 'your welcome' in Russian, before looking off into the distance of the warehouse. Everyone was keeping to themselves, Jane speaking with Ricky, Ocean and Constance murmuring to each other quietly. All except for Y/n.

She sat over by Karnak, mumbling to the fortune telling machine quietly. The Ukrainian couldn't help but stare for a long moment, watching her with trained eyes, not realizing Noel had noticed.

She sat on a ledge, legs crossed, showing off her uniform's Mary Janes and white socks, that hugged her legs oh so perfectly. Though really, the thing Mischa loved about her was her eyes, e/c and glinting with kindness and empathy.

He still couldn't believe she gave up her chance at another life for him. Sure, Y/n always put others before herself, but he never knew she liked him that much. Back when they were alive, she rarely talked, and mostly spoke through body language.

Now that he thought about it, she showed many signs of preferring Mischa over the rest of the choir. She always stayed behind after choir practice to make sure his adoptive parents came to get him, and if they didn't, she would walk home with him.

She offered him advice, and he would usually just brush it off. And yet, in the middle of the night he would stare at the ceiling and think to himself about what she had said to him.

Y/n saw him for who he was, not who he seemed to be.

Mischa discreetly glanced down at his phone, flicking the screen on and looking at the lock screen. It was a picture taken of Y/n, holding a kitten with a bright smile. It was taken for an ad for a pet adoption company, and she had volunteered to help.

"You must really like her," Noel piped up, slightly startling the Ukrainian.

An amused expression painted his face as he looked at Mischa, gesturing over to Y/n who continued to converse with Karnak who listened with mild interest. (Dad Karnak and kid Y/n tell me otherwise.)

"Yeah," he admitted bluntly, fiddling with the bottle of vodka Noel had apparently handed back to him. "I do."

Noel looked amused, giving his friend a pat on the arm.

"You got nothing to lose," he offered, giving a slight shrug.

Mischa thought for a long moment, before rising up. He wasn't a wus, and decided he would go talk to Y/n. But before he did, he looked back down at Noel.

He looked back up at him, a sweet smile adorning his lips. Like him and Y/n, Mischa and Noel didn't talk much. And the Ukrainian was regretting that now, seeing just how much of a good friend he was.

The Quietest Girl in Town (Mischa Bachinski x reader)Where stories live. Discover now