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Roier POV:

It's 2am and I wake up with a massive headache. I hate this place, I wish they would let me go. I don't even deserve to be put in a mental institution really. All I did was make a cult and do really bad things to people, as well as going crazy after someone rejected me. I sit up and get out of bed. Right next of my bed of have a drawer with keys in it. I decided to take the keys and leave the room.

As I close the door behind me I walk around quietly trying not to trigger the alarms. The mental institution is only 2 floors. The first floor with the entrance and cafeteria, and the second floor with all the bedrooms. I decide to walk down the hallway until I stop at a certain door, 225. I'm pretty sure this is Cellbit's room. So I take they keys and open the room door quietly. I walk in and shut the door behind me.

I walk quietly towards the bed he's laying on. He looks so pretty with his brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. I move his some hair out of his face. He will be mine. I wonder if he will wake up if I kissed him? I guess will find out. I kiss Cellbit on the lips. Then I start walking to the door and leave the room. I close the door behind me and lock it. I head back to my room, 206.

Cellbit POV:

I think Roier just kissed me. I heard someone walk to my room and so I opened one of my eyes and it was Roier. How does he have the keys to my room? How does he know what room I'm in? The kiss was kinda nice. Is hot in here or is it just me? Why am I blushing so much I'm not even gay?!? I'm just going to head back to bed. Maybe we could talk about it in the morning?

In the morning Baghera came to interview me.

"So I know that it's probably weird talking to me because I'm a stranger, so how about I tell you some stuff about me so your comfortable talking to me." Baghera says.

I nod my head.

"Well to start I'm from France and I can speak French, how about you?" Baghera asked me.

"I'm from Brasil and I speak Portuguese."

"Awesome! I noticed how you you have a sister named Bagi right? Well I have a brother, his name is Forever and he speaks Portuguese as well!"

"Forever? What a weird name."

"Ya, I don't know what my parents were thinking to name their child Forever." She says with a giggle.

I smile.

"I have a daughter, her name is Pomme. It's French for apple."

"What's your daughter like?" I asked interested in what she's going to say.

"She's a very calm person and she's good at communication. She always protective of the ones she cares about." She says looking at the ceiling with imaginative eyes.

"What does she look like?"

"Well she has long blond hair and a French hat, she also likes to wear a overall dress. She's also French. She was in foster care but I officially adopted her after her parents seemed like they were never coming back." She says with a sad tone

"I want a kid, I think having a kid would be nice." I say with a smile

Baghera writes down some stuff. "Well it's lunchtime now but after lunch we could visit the kids part of the mental institution if you'd like to?" Baghera asks with a smile.

"I would like that." I say with a smile.

Baghera walks to the door and opens it. "Bye Cellbit see you after lunch!" She says with a smile and waves. I wave back at her. She walks out the room and locks the door behind her. I wait for someone to escort me to the lunchroom.

As I head down to lunch I see Roier and Quackity sitting at a table already. I quickly get in line for my food then sit at the table.

"Hi Cellbit!" Roier says as he pulls me into a hug. This morning it seems that Roier is in a good mood. I'm glad because I would never hope he's in a bad one.

"Hi Roier" I say with a sigh. He's kinda one of those cute little puppies you see at the pet store waiting to get adopted.

"I'm so sad, Quackity is leaving tomorrow!" Roier says with a fake sad tone.

"Stop being so dramatic, your going to escape tomorrow night anyways and your going to see me again soon." Quackity says rolling his eyes.

"I know, but I'm going to miss you" Roier says with a fake pout and puppy eyes.

Quackity laughs and pats Roier on the head. I wonder how long they've been friends for, they have a amazing friendship.

"So Cellbit anything new." Roier says looking at me.

"Not really, later I'm going to the kids section of the mental hospital to visit them. I love kids!" I say with a bit of excitement. I've always wanted kids especially since my relationship with my sister, but I don't really think I'm fit enough to be a parent. I mean I went prison, killed people, and was sent to a mental institution.

"Well if you want, we could have kids." Roier says with a smirk.

"W-what!?!" I say getting flustered.

"Your so cute when you get flustered, I was only joking plus we're boys." Roier days giggling.

"I-I know." I say putting my head down in embarrassment. I don't know I'm getting mixed feelings about Roier, like I get butterflies around him. Do I like him? Does he like me? Surely not right?

"I-I think lunch is over, bye Quackity and Roier," I say picking up my tray and waving at them. I throw my trash away and wait in the lounge for someone to escort me back to my room.

I sit on my bed impatiently waiting for Baghera to come. After what seems like forever, Baghera unlocks the door and walks into the room.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yes!" I get up excitedly and walk to Baghera. She smiles and starts walking out the door. I follow behind her as we walk all they way down to the end of the hallway. When Baghera opens the door I see a bunch of kids running around, coloring, writing, sleeping, all sorts of things. But one kid catches my eye in particular. He has brown curly hair and is wearing a Brazil shirt. He also has this cute little mushroom cow hat on. He sits alone coloring. I decide to walk up to him.

"Hi little boy, my name is Cellbit. What's yours?" I ask the little boy.


He seems to be a little shy when speaking to me. "Well I will call you Richas!" I say patting him on the head.

"What are you drawing?" I ask but he seems to not respond.

"Can I ask why are you here?" I ask hoping for a answer.

"When I was born my parents left me for foster care, but when I was in foster care I would randomly wake up in the middle and draw with what seems like to be blood. So they sent me here and when I leave I will be put up for adaption" Richarlyson says with a quiet tone as he continues to draw something.

"Your so young to be here." I say with a sigh. I watch Richarlyson draw for a little bit until he says something.

"I like you, could you be my father?" Richarlyson says looking at me with a smile for the first time.

"I can't physically be your father because I'm not in the right mental state, but I can be your temporary one" I say trying not to get his hopes up to high.

"That's fine, but pinky promise you always protect me." Richarlyson says looking up at me.

"I pinky promise." I say as I pinky promise Richarlyson.

"CELLBIT IT'S TIME TO GO." Baghera says yelling at me.

"Here" Richarlyson says folding the piece of paper he drew and giving it to me. I quickly walk away and get to Baghera. When I get to Baghera we start walking back to my room. I enter my room and Baghera locks the door behind me. I sit on the bed and open the piece of paper Richarlyson drew. It was a drawing of me and him. I almost started to tear up. I promise I will always keep this drawing forever. I lay the drawing on the desk next to my bed and I lay down. The lights turn off and I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Your crazy? I'm crazier. GAUPODUO / CELLBIT X ROIERWhere stories live. Discover now