Chapter 2

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2 years ago

My band echoes in the room swarmed with whispers as the register is being called
I respond before i go back to talking with my friends. Everything was fine until today. Over the last few months the government has been out under immense pressure by a new rising group, preaching about how change is needed and promises of what they can change, how life would be better with them In charge , new laws , new priorities waiting time be fulfilled . Nobody was worrying about it though as we were told this happens, that new groups of people go campaigning their ideas but get turned away without the government or the public's support , the thing is they did have the public's support because all their promises sounded a lot better than what we had now , which was nothing.

Over the last few months they gathered more public's support than what the actual governor have , recruiting members if the public ti be a part of their group and Hemi win them over the government , and today that's exactly what they did , we'll kind of . They didn't win them over they overthrew them. They wen tin by force , months if frustration built up from not being heard and all hell broke loose . Nobody knew what was going to happen next . We all had our speculations as the wailers carried through the room but none of us truly knew. I mean yes we hear what they promised us and what they would do if the governor gave them the chance to speak up but can you really just take their word for it? The classroom suddenly goes quest as the speaker screams awake.

"All students please leave the premises immediately and make your way home"

And then the speakers when dead no other information other than the fact we had to leave. Our headmasters words laced with worry led the classrooms coversation a to live again as everyone looked at each-other searching for the answers , why were being asked to leave the school, I mean I'm not exactly complaining I hate it here but we have never been asked to leave so that means whatever's going in is bad.

Entering the hall way I hugged my friends goodbye and walked towards the exit griping my back pack like it was my life line, an alarm suddenly sounded through the hallways as students rummaged around trying to flee as soon as possible not knowing what the fuck was going on. People we're falling over as others barged into them not caring about who they hurt in the process, as long as they were safe that's all that mattered. Trying my best to get out of this hell while I wave my way in between people trying to find an escape when I accidental slammed into someone landing right in the floor with my shit everywhere. Perfect. I try to scurry around gathering all my papers when someone yanks me up by my arm
"What the fuck are you doing"
As I looked up to see who was currently trying to drag me up I realized he looked anything but happy , he looked mad and annoyed but not at the havoc that was happening around us he looked mad at me. Liam was known as the golden boy through school, and better yet the best looking. He brown hair was scruffy over his face like he had run his fingers through it a thousand times while his higher of 6 foot 4 made him stand out in the crowd. His green eyes looked anything but kind yet so welcoming at the same time. Any other day I would be shocked at the fact he's talking to me right now I mean he's always got someone trying to get with him but he never seemed to notice it is just to dumb to realize he's actually being hit on, for a moment I forgot he was actually speaking to me
"I got pushed and then uh, we'll I dropped my stuff and was picking it up.."
"That Shit doesn't matter"
he interrupted me before i even had the chance to finish .

He looked around with annoyance and dragged me with him leaving a pile of my work flying around under peoples feet. I edit. Know where he was taking me, but we were heading the opposite way ti where everyone else was goin so it didn't bother me as much as ur should, I've never even talked to this guy before and he's dragging me through the hallways like he's got a personal vengeance against me forever. We finally tech an exit with only a few people leaving this way and once never been more thankful to leave school, I turn around to face him ready to say thank you, but he leaves before i could say anything else. Rude.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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