[PREVIEW] Chapter One

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Principal Wilder has been the bane of my existence all year long. Whether I'm one minute late to class or have my trousers an inch too low down my backside, he's on me like a dog on a t-bone steak. It started last year when he accused me and Colt of selling test answers in the guy's bathroom. It was just one time, one little mistake—and that was months ago! He wasn't able to prove we did anything so couldn't bring the gavel down. But ever since then, the guy has been looking for an excuse to get me into his office. To punish me like he was unable to before. This morning, he finally found an excuse: Colt. That rat bastard. He was caught doing more than just selling test answers in the men's room, and he served me right up on a silver platter to lessen his sentence. Principal Wildebeest was so excited, I could practically see the drool dripping from his teeth.

"Back in my day..." he barked as he dragged me by the arm to his office. I thought it was going to be his usual spiel about how he used to get the strap, how teachers in his day never tolerated this shit, how he'd bend me over his knee if it was still the 1970's. But it was different this time. This time, he had a proposition for me.

"You do this one thing for me, and I'll forget about all of your infractions. What do you say, Ace?"

I was in a bind for sure. He showed me all the records he'd been keeping on me, and let's just say it didn't look too good for young Ace if people found out half the stuff I'd done. It didn't look too good for my brother Lance, either, if the rumor got out that he'd been fucking a teacher—Principal Wilder's husband at that. So that "one thing" he wanted me to do? Yeah. That was to follow my own brother around and report on who he was hooking up with. Film him, keep a log book, all that jazz. He told me if I agreed to do this, that he'd turn a blind eye to all the shit I'd done. Burn my records, keep his lip zipped. And not only that, he'd forget Lance ever touched his husband. All he wanted was the truth. If I didn't agree to his proposal, he'd throw the book at both of us. Me? I could manage. I'm nothing, just a loser who can't hold a grade higher than a C+. But Lance? It would fuck up his reputation. Ruin his football career, his goals and dreams, everything. I had no choice.

I agreed to his proposal.

And it was gonna be okay. Because he had the wrong information. Because Lance is a total stud with a hot girlfriend. He always had girls chasing him, there's no way he'd hook up with a guy. There's no reason to. He's straight, like me.

At least that's what I thought until I rolled up to his bedroom window last night with my phone in my hand, ready to record him fucking his hot girlfriend Amber. Instead, I saw Principal Wilder's husband on his knees, roasting my brother's weenie. I stood there frozen as I watched Mr Bowman's head bob up and down on Lance's dick. I couldn't believe it was happening. More than that, I couldn't believe how it made me feel. Hot, nervous, tingly. I was so hard. And it felt so wrong.

So now I'm back in Principal Wilder's office and he's going to want me to tell him exactly what I saw. Do I tell the truth? Or do I lie? For all I know, he could be playing me. He could destroy my brother if I tell the truth. But if I lie and say nothing happened...well, he just might spread the rumor anyway.

I'm totally screwed!

[FREE on KU] Paddled by the Principal: The Punishment by Blue Pierce

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[FREE on KU] Paddled by the Principal: The Punishment by Blue Pierce


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