Chapter 3

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Dinner time came around, and I decided to sit back at my regular table. Lunch was so awkward! As much as I liked the thought of being more out there, I found myself going back into my shell. I was disappointed.

That feeling quickly faded when I saw Jack walk in. I saw his posture straighten as he took a deep breath. God, I'd love to feel his chest. An image of Jack and I lying in bed together, legs entangled proudly displayed in my mind. If his chest was as muscular as his arms, God help us all.

My heart ceased to beat when he started walking towards me. I straightened up and watched him sit in front of me.

"Hello," he said, smiling.

My smile was bigger than I wanted it to be. "Hey."

I saw Shelly and Missy walk in. They sat at the guys' table instead of with us. I wondered why. Maybe they thought I had ditched them. Or maybe they were giving me alone time with Jack. Either way, that thought got buried fast.

"Dinner is now?" he asked.

"Yep," I replied, still smiling. I stared at his lips. I imagined them kissing mine. Softly, at first. Then it'd become more and more passionate. Maybe even a little tongue....I shook my head.

"Is there a group after?"

"Um," I hummed, still trying to come back to reality. "Not until, like, 8:30ish."

He nodded his head in acknowledgment. "So when do we get to watch movies?"

"Pretty much whenever we're in the Activity Room," I explained. You just have to ask to watch TV. They have regular cable here."

Another nod. "So we can watch a movie after this?"

Is he a movie person?

Another image popped in my brain. Only this time, we're cuddling while watching a movie. My head on his hard chest, listening to him breathe. All the while, he slowly strokes my long hair with his hand. Then kisses me on top of the head and holds me tighter.

"Y-yeah." I cleared my throat. "But we have to wait for them to unlock the door. Some people walk the halls. I'm one of those people."

"'I'm one of those people.' What the actual fuck, Emilee?

"Oh, okay."

It just ended up being me and him at the table. Kathy sat with Missy and Shelly.


"You miss the guys?" I asked, swallowing a mouthful of chicken.

He shrugged. "Kind of. I only got here late last night, but they seemed cool. Ross gave me the pants and shoes I'm wearing. All I was wearing was my underwear underneath here." He glanced at his gown. "Did you see?"

Did I see you in your underwear? Not yet, baby.

I felt my cheeks flush. My voice came out in a squeak. "Wh-What?"

Realizing what he said, Jack quickly said, "I mean me in just the gown." His cheeks were tinted pink. So adorable!

"Oh," I chuckled. "Uh, yeah. When you were walking with Ethan this morning."

"Yeah," he chuckled back. "So how long have you been here?"

"Last Friday was my first day," I said, taking another bite of chicken.

"Wow," he said after taking a sip of coffee. "I'm a 201, so I hope I won't be here that long."

My eyebrows furrowed. "I'm a 201, too."

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