[PREVIEW] Chapter One

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Want to know why I'm crouched outside of a mini mansion with a balaclava on my face? Buckle up, because you're in for a wild ride. Let me tell you all about Mr Mean.

Mr Mean, whose real name we've all forgotten at this point, has been a teacher at my college for the last 20 odd years. My brother had him, I had him, and my girlfriend Katie had him this year. At least, until he decided to retire out of the blue, spreading one last plague upon us as he dumped failing grades on half the class. Like you might have guessed by now, Mr Mean is one cruel son of a bitch. Anyone who has the balls to stand up to this monster doesn't go unpunished, and it's not an easy feat to begin with.

He's 6'4", broad as the day is long, and has the darkest, meanest eyes you've ever seen. But I'm not afraid of Mr Mean and he knows it. I got a thrill out of fighting back and I think he got a thrill out of punishing me. Last year, he locked me out of the school bus during a hailstorm on our excursion. That was probably the longest hard-on I've maintained as I begged to get back on the bus, even as I was pelted with hail stones.

But not all of the kids were as messed up in the head as me. Not all of them got the same thrill. All most people wanted out of that jerk was a passing grade so they could move up and on. Katie was one of those kids. We had plans to move across the country once she graduated, but now she has to stay back and do it all over again. All because of this one bastard.

Now, that brings us back to why I'm crouched outside of a mini mansion with a bag full of...supplies. Why my cock is throbbing between my legs as hot blood pumps through my body. This weekend, Mr Mean is away celebrating his retirement. And in just seconds, I'm going to be climbing through his window and finding those papers. I'm making some rewrites before he has a chance to officially submit them. By the end of the night, those papers are going to look totally different, come hell or high water.

For Katie.

[FREE on KU] Turned by the Tyrant: The Mean Teacher by Blue Pierce

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[FREE on KU] Turned by the Tyrant: The Mean Teacher by Blue Pierce


[PREVIEW] Turned by the Tyrant: The Mean TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now