Chapter 32

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"Reid," I rubbed my eyes, they fluttered open and rolled up to the ceiling

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"Reid," I rubbed my eyes, they fluttered open and rolled up to the ceiling. I sat up in the recliner chair and glanced across the living room. I heard another set of footsteps, I looked to the couch Reid crashed on only to find the space empty. I threw the blanket off my torso and let my feet hit the cold tiled floor.

"Reid," I called again in a quiet manner. I rounded the hallway around the kitchen. I heard something close and open. I followed the noise to the kitchen where Reid stood by the sink, opening and closing cabinet doors.

"What are you doing?" I yawned, approaching him. He continued to open and close the cabinets, his eyes half closed. Oh god, he's sleepwalking again.

I gently rested my hand on his bicep, pulling his arm away from the handle. "Hey," I used my other hand to grab the side of his face and steer it in my direction. I patted the side of his face repeatedly until his eyes blinked open.

His eyes were unfocused for a while until they settled down on me. "You were sleepwalking again. Were you hungry?"

"Thirsty actually," he muttered, his voice dangerously low and hoarse. I inhaled a sharp breath and pressed myself against the counter.

"I'll get you some water," I cleared my throat, spinning around to grab a glass.

"No," Reid grabbed my arm, pulling me back and wrapping his hands around my waist. He lifted me onto the counter and reached forward to open the cabinet by my head. He brought a plastic cup down and closed the door after.

"I find it very weird that you know exactly where my grandma's cups are," I said, squinting my eyes.

He chuckled, moving to the side to fill his cup with water from the fridge. He stood back in front of me and chugged down the whole cup of water in one go. His Adam Apple bobbed up and down. When he was finished he placed it down on the counter beside my thigh.

His arms went on both sides of me. I leaned back against the cabinets as he inched his face closer to me.

"What?" I questioned.

"Nothing, I just want to look at you. Got a problem with that?" He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head, a smirk curling on his lips.

I looked away, suddenly feeling shy, "I guess not."

His finger went up to my chin and turned my face back in his direction. "Let me look at you," he rasped.

I relaxed under his gaze, our eyes meeting. I pushed back his curls out of his face, my fingers brushing his scalp in the process. He inched closer, his eyes falling shut along with mine as he pressed his lips against mine.

Our mouths didn't move for a moment but then slowly began moving against each other. It didn't escalate nor pick up the pace. Our lips moved against each other slowly and deliberately. His hand came up and cradled the back of my neck.

His Summer Addiction (Removing on July 30th)Where stories live. Discover now