Chapter 2: October 30th, 2018

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The morning sun streamed through the windows of Karen and Allyson's suburban home, casting warm rays on the breakfast table. Ray, Karen's husband, was engrossed in setting up mouse traps around the kitchen, a mundane task in their otherwise peaceful life. Karen, sipping her coffee, turned to Allyson with an air of motherly duty.

"I've rescheduled a few things. We'll make it to your National Honor Society ceremony tonight. And you said Cameron will be there?" Karen asked, trying to keep the conversation light and normal.

Allyson, stirring her cereal, looked up with a hopeful expression. "Do you think Grandma Laurie could come? It would mean a lot."

Karen's face clouded for a moment, her eyes betraying a hint of sorrow. "I talked to her, Allyson. She said she couldn't make it. You know how she is," she replied, masking her discomfort with a gentle smile.

As Allyson walked to school with her friends, their chatter filled the autumn air. The topic inevitably turned to the legendary Halloween night of 1978, a story that had become a chilling local legend.

"It's insane to think that Michael Myers, the guy who terrorized Haddonfield, is actually your great-uncle," one friend said, a mix of awe and horror in her voice.

"Yeah," Allyson replied quietly, her voice tinged with a mixture of fascination and fear. "It's so bizarre and terrifying that he's part of our family. The thought of him coming after his own blood... it does kinda scare me."

At school, Laurie surprised Allyson by showing up unexpectedly. She approached her granddaughter with a mix of apprehension and affection, holding out an envelope filled with cash.

"I want you to have this," Laurie said, her voice firm yet gentle.

Allyson looked at the envelope, then at Laurie, a reluctance in her eyes. "Grandma, I can't take this..."

"It's important to me that you do," Laurie insisted, her eyes conveying a deep, unspoken understanding.

Accepting the envelope, Allyson shifted the conversation towards her mother. "Mom seems okay, but she never really talks about you or... about him, about Michael."

Laurie's gaze dropped for a moment, reflecting decades of pain and resilience. "Your mom and I have a complicated history, Allyson. What happened with Michael... it left deep scars."

"Does it scare you that he's still out there? I mean, locked up, but still..." Allyson's voice trailed off, her curiosity evident.

Laurie nodded, a solemn gravity in her expression. "Yes, I think about it. Every day. He's not just a man in a cell. He's my brother, our family. That connection... it's something you can't just cut off, no matter how much you want to."

As the afternoon waned into evening, a critical piece of news began circulating in Haddonfield. Michael Myers, along with other inmates, was scheduled for transfer to a new maximum-security facility. This development barely registered as a concern for Karen and Allyson, who were caught up in the preparations for the National Honor Society ceremony.

Karen, while discussing the event with Allyson, casually mentioned the news. "Did you hear about Michael Myers being transferred tonight? It's all over the news."

Allyson shrugged nonchalantly. "Yeah, I heard. But he's locked up tight, right? There's nothing to worry about." Her voice carried a hint of youthful naivety, believing in the security that distance and incarceration provided.

In stark contrast, Laurie Strode's reaction was one of deep-seated paranoia and fear, born from decades of trauma and vigilance. Upon hearing the news, her mind raced with worst-case scenarios. She knew that no facility, no matter how secure, could guarantee the containment of a force as relentless and unpredictable as Michael Myers.

Alone in her fortified home, Laurie meticulously plotted her next move. She decided to follow the transfer bus, a decision driven by a compulsive need to ensure that the nightmare she had lived for so long would not be reignited. Her hands trembled slightly as she prepared, haunted by the memories of that Halloween night so many years ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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