New Life

125 6 3

Sundas, 17th of Last Seed, 4E 201


I've done it! I have finally been accepted into the Vigilants of Stendarr after today's final trial of Skill. Finally, after weeks of training and discipline, I can set forth on a mission to cleanse Skyrim of the vermin called Daedra. Oh, if only everyone back home could see me! Those who chided me, telling me I would never be able to do it, if only they could see me now! I finally can make something of my life in this frozen, beautiful land. The official ceremony is in two days, but we can still celebrate, right? Wish me the best of luck! signed, Avaliynn Rose

I set my quill and journal to the side of the desk and stand. I've actually made it. I've worked so hard for so long, and.. Here I am. Sitting in a small room conjoined to an inn-sized Hall. I don't feel very different. Not something special. I shake the thoughts out of my head and smile, relieved I'm done with the trials and training. This strange feeling will wash over like water soon enough. Maybe I was just nervous.

I glance over to the large reflecting glass by my wardrobe and smooth my robes. They were enchanted to help boost my restoration. And I was glad. So many people in Skyrim needed aiding, and now I can take the fight to the Daedra as well as help others. I had a few hours to myself, so the best option to go to Dawnstar. I needed information on the nightmares that are plaguing the poor townspeople. It just had to be Daedra, and I wanted to prove to the Leader that I was capable of putting an end to it. A few other Vigilants were headed over there to the tavern to drink and celebrate, and what better way to .

Before I walked out to meet the others, I made sure I looked decent. My hair reached down my back and past my waist in auburn waves, my eyes were like glowing embers of a forge fire, or so my mother says. I got them from her, a Wood elf. My father was a High elf. I inherited his inate ability to use magic, and his height. I towered a good few inches above most other Altmers, so i stood out in a crowd. I recognized my beauty as well. After all, I look identical to my mother, apart from the gold tint in my skin, again, thanks to my father. I had a small frame, although the huge mass of the green and gray robes hid that. I looked much more muscular than I was really was.

A knock sounded on the door, and before I could answer, the door flew open. My closest friend, also a Vigilant, bounced on her heels nevously at the doorway. "Keeper Carcette needs you now, Avaliynn, it seems urgent." A look of worry crossed on her face. She must've seen me process it, because it disappeared as quickly as it came. I took a deep breath as I walked out the room and into the Hall, meeting the Vigilant's Keeper.

"You asked for me?" I lamely asked. I kicked myself for sounding so small.She turned from Stendarr's alter and told me to receive Blessing before she presented the problem. I stood in front of the alter and laid my hand upon the base of Stendarr's Shrine. A low vibration resonated thoughout my body, giving me a sense of calm and purity. Ripples of that energy were still bouncing though me gently as I backed from the Shrine. I felt as if Stendarr was in here Himself. I smiled, unable to stop it. I turned to the Leader and I felt her anxiety and tension. I focused calming energies to her, relieving the stress and tension. She smiled half-heartedly and spoke cautiously.

"Ava, we're going to have to postpone your group's Recognizing. The Mistress of the Orphanage called for our aid."

"Why, has something happened?" My stomach twisted into painful knots as I thought of the poor children. "Which Daedra is it??", I asked angrily.

"Calm down Avaliynn, it's no the work of Daedra." I straightened myself out as she spoke. Carcette's eyebrows were furrowed in confusion.

"But she won't have anyone else but a Vigilant, and I can't imagine why she would call us for this problem."

She bit her fingernails nervously, staring at me intently. She was scared to tell me what it was, afraid I'll turn it down. I'm not that easily scared.

"Tell me what's got the Head Mistress's knickers in a twist, I can handle it, Sister Vigilant," I confidently said. I could take on Mehrune himself!

She led me to a table at the end of the Hall, away from other ears. She pulled a bottle of spiced wine and two silver goblets from a shelf and sat down, pouring us both a drink.

"Well, there was a young boy at Honorhall from Windhelm. His mother died of tragic sickness, and his father was ambused by Imperials during a patrol not far from Windhelm, so he was sent there by the Jarl about three months ago. He ran away a week ago, to his home. Do you know why?"

I shake my head no. The poor Grelod. She must be worried sick about him! And this boy!

I brought my goblet to my mouth, savoring the kick of the wine as she said, "He's attempting to contact The Dark Brotherhood." I nearly spit the wine out and stare at her in disbelief. What?! He's what, only ten? And he's already has been introduced to corruption?

"Who does the boy want dead!?" I asked, not quite believing what I've just heard.

There's no way. The Dark Brotherhood can't simply exist anymore! There's no more sanctuaries, they've been wiped out!

I set my cup on the table and stood up.

"I guess you want me to sort this out?" I ask her, already knowing the answer. She nodded solemnly. I sighed and looked down.

"Go to Grelod the Kind, and get information on the boy. Then go and meet him, save him from the dark path he's traveling down. As soon as you get back, the coronation will take place. And, Ava. Wait."

She grabbed my arm and looked me in the eyes. "I'm getting ready to throw the towel in. I, for lack of better words, am tired of being Keeper. I've done a lot of thinking, and I know you're new, but your potential is beyond outstanding. If I didn't know any better, I would say that you were a lot further along than I was as a beginning vigilant. I want you to take over as Leader in the next year or so. I'm simply.. tired."

She smiled a motherly smile and handed me a hefty coin purse. We stood up and walked to my room so I could gather supplies for the quest. I stuffed a few healing and magicka potions, a bag of bear jerky and mead, and finally my journal in a small knapsack and slung it over my shoulder. She started to hand me some leeks, but I denied it politely.

"I'm part bosmer, I don't eat anything but meat and sweets," I reminded her politely. I do love a good venison steak and long taffy.

She smiled in apology and looked around. The years were piling up on her, you could tell. She was beauty aged. I hugged her, then grabbed my ebony bow and a quiver of matching arrows.

"Now Ava, I don't know if you're going to actually run into the Assassins, but be careful. I cant lose another Vigilant," she told me, rubbing my shoulders. She embraced me one more time, a quick and reassuring hug.

We started out of the hall and discussed the best way of getting there. She told me there was a carriage in Dawnstar I could take, so she trekked with me to meet it.

As the carriage pulled out, I glanced back at the Leader. I waved to her happily, to show I wasn't scared, so she shouldn't be.

But the truth is, I was terrified. I had never been more terrified in my entire life.

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