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I don't know where I am. Everything's white, serene, beautiful.. I was floating through time it seemed. Something hot grazed my left arm and I jumped back, shocked by the immense heat and lack of burning. A dragon no larger than a timber wolf breezed passed my head. It's scales burned golden embers and it's eyes were the color and texture of molten lava. It perched on my shoulder for a second and I gasped, waiting for the pain of it's immense heat.

None came. The dragon cooed and nuzzled my face and then roared a small little roar. I bit back a giggle.

Hundreds of similar dragons flew in from the nothingness I was in. They all swarmed around me and gradually sped up. I tried to step back from the light it was so gorgeously creating, but I couldn't; I was floating! Where am I? Surely this isn't Soverngarde.

The mass of Dragons seemed to be forming something greater, like one great dragon. A roar rocked through to my very core, a roar that could shatter mountains. But I wasn't scared and I don't know why. I felt safe.

My hair began to float around me, and shimmered! My hair was turning white!! It glowed and looked amazingly beautiful, but I was beyond shocked. What phenomenon is this? Hair just doesn't change color on its own.

My very soul began to grow and swell, eating at the inside of me. The hunger for blood and destruction grew even more than I ever could have thought. That's what scared me. What's happening? Where am I?

I felt as if a whole world was inside of me.

A great dragon made of beautiful fire took its place in front of me. Its great wings stirred flames from nothing.

"Avaliynn. Greetings, my child. And how are your wounds?" A great booming voice thay could only belong to the Dragon in front of me.
I looked down at my body. I was radiating. Beautiful. The wound on my knee was gone. Not even a scar remained. I bent it and kicked my leg and laughed. I felt amazing! Like I was reborn! I was at a loss for words. Why was this great dragon helping me? Why me? I was nothing more than a fallen Vigilant.

My heart dropped at that thought. How long has it been since I've heard from the Keeper? From the rest of the Vigilants? Days? Weeks? Months? They must think thay I'm dead...

" You aren't dead, if you're wondering, Avaliynn Rose. You're quite alive, and if not more," It spoke.

"Who and what are you?" I asked simply. Why was I here?

"I am known by very few as Martin Septim, but by all as the god Akatosh. And Avaliynn, I do need your help," he said gravely.

I listened for his request, readying myself as best as possible, because if I'm here face-to-face with one of the Divines, this is going to be no simple tasks.

The surrounding white morphed into a beautiful never ending meadow. A stream babbled to the left of us and dragons flew overhead. Akatosh shrunk to a smaller size and padded beside me.

"Avaliynn, you know the Dragonborn, long ago from your childhood. Think back to then. Do you remember?"

What? My childhood? What in the Nine is he speaking of?! I had no friends. I grew up alone, farming and tending to the goats and chickens. I had my parents. I wasn't the girl who courted others, I was simply alone. Wait... I remember a boy. We never spoke, but he was always around.

This has to be a dream, this can't be real. My newly founded white hair whipped around to my face, silk smooth and perfect. My hands and arms were freed of the multiple scars and wounds from working all my life. My skin seemed to glow, almost as if it was sparkling. A white scaled dragon perched on my shoulder. In its mouth was the most beautiful nightshade flower I've ever seen. I tucked it behind my ear and petted the dragon as Akatosh continued.

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