😍Seduction : 8😍

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This time with a naughty grin indicating the real meaning between her lines.

Karan looked up immediately, and looked at her with a confused look trying to decoding her words.

Karan : What do you mean? (he asked little angrily)

Teju (in more seducing manner) : sir I mean, even I can work hard, and work much better than them, I just need a chance to show you how hard working I am.

She said getting up and going towards his chair.

Karan gone fully confused that how should he handle her now as he kept looking at her blankly.

Karan : I am not getting the intention behind your words, so tell me clearly what do you want to say! (He said straight forward)

Tejasswi now stood up and bent forward, making sure that he can see her cleavage clearly.

Teju ' All I need is a chance sir, and it can be once in lifetime.

Teju whispered, careful of not being too loud too soft.

He had seen through her shirt alright, and already felt his cock pricking in his pants.

There was no time to think, yet he waited for a few seconds which seemed like an eternity.

Karan slides his chair back. He felt nervous of her act.

Karan : you gone mad miss tejasswi, what the hell are you doing? (Gulped in nervousness)

Teju : just trying to get a chance of hard work.

Karan : you know where we are, CCTV can record this.

Teju : oh okay, so CCTV is a problem, I don't mind meeting you somewhere else. I wait for you.

She wrote her number on paper.

Karan : are you serious? (Get tempted)

Teju : more than ever in my life.

Karan : uhmm.... I live (he told his address XYZ). So we can meet there. (Little shy and hesitated but turned on)

Stay tuned

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