Chapter 4: Signs of Westeria's

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The dewdrops remain early morning from the night's mild rain at the family's farm garden. Hinter woke up earlier than the others, she sweep a few leaves and clean out a few dried branches laying around their place while Mrs. Rosie ready their breakfast. Hinter recalled Westeria's unusual behavior last night but then later shrugged it off, for it probably was not something to be bother about.

The family had later woken up and rose from their sleep, doing the daily morning routine of their own: eating breakfast, swiping a few floors, cleaning themselves, and combing their hair. As result from yesterday's earnings along with Mr. Flores' given money provisions, their mother decided to buy a few food for the arriving days to come. But due to Anteri's 'recklessness', as what Mrs. Rosie describe, she shall let Hinter and Westeria go this time.

"Do avoid unnecessary troubles on the road, you two. And come home as soon as you had finish."advices Mrs. Rosie,"It is only half a mile due south from here, the Olsen's shop. And if you can take a shortcut to the meadows, it'll be faster too."

Hinter set on again for another days' travel bringing along a basket and also her sister, Westeria whom always wanted to walk around since yesterday.
They've taken the meadow path where a forest was watching near. The air blows a cold breeze as they trudge their way into the wet wild grasses. Westeria was picking a few stems of any grass she can take ahold of while smiling to herself. Hinter didn't mind as she try to recall which way the shop is. Eyeing afar a pine tree, her memory began to get familiar at the place.

"Yes, it was somewhere near here. If I can spot an old mango tree near that pine tree then we are heading the right path."Hinter thought to herself.

Westeria run around and lay down herself on the grasses.

"Westier, please get up from there."reminded Hinter at her,"Remember, what mother says. We must go to the shop quickly then afterwards go back home."

But Westeria was in ecstatic mood and only laugh as a response to her younger sister.
Hinter went ahead as Westeria got up from her playfulness, a few bit of wet grasses were sticking onto her clothes now as she try to brush some of them off.

When they came to the pine tree, Hinter found no sight of a mango one.

"Must be farther ahead. Or dear me, we're lost."Hinter thought to herself.

They walked on and on ahead the pine tree, this time Westeria was the one leading them.

The path was slowly getting clearer, making their walk more easier and quicker in pace. Ahead, there was that old mango tree leaning itself a few steps near a sign that was pasted on a stick. It read as:

                ←  To The Olsen's

They followed where the arrow was pointed. It lead them to a group of houses all built of sturdy brick walls. On Hinter's count, the estimated house in view would be ten in all. There were people around, mostly mothers and children younger than them both. A few would glance their eyes on the two newcomers then after much observation of both travellers later went on talking to each other.

They found the shop between two houses in the middle of the place. The door was painted in pinkish white, it was wide open as a customer went in first before them. They followed next and tramp their footsteps inside. Few baked pastries were shown near the front glass window as the place was scattered with different varieties of ingredients and food supplies. It is the only shop around near that people can bought their needs on though for Hinter's family, some prices were a bit more expensive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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