Chapter Three

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That evening, Ingrid's parents hosted an extravagant party at the DSM training center. Ingrid, and the rest of the DSM newbies, we're officially added to the team. And, contrary to her tough image, Kommissar actually cried a few tears when Ingrid was officially added.

Early the next morning, when it was still dark, Kommissar, Pieter and Ingrid left for 5:30 DSM practice, Ingrid's first practice. Practice was much more difficult than Ingrid had originally expected. It included five hours of singing, hard-to-follow dance routines and lots and lots of cardio. (Horizontal running is DEFINITELY not permitted on DSM.) Soon practice was almost over.

"Good practice you guys" Pieter said.xrf

Pieter and Kommissar were speaking up in front of the tired group who were sitting on the bleachers.

"Okay, so, in two weeks we're flying to America for the riff off and we have to be prepared for anything" Kommissar announced...

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