1. Jimin's mom

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A/N: sorry everyone, but because my this story is something different from other stories, so in this story because of my storyline i made Jimin, Tae, Jin, and y/n are girls and in this story the scenes are from India. I could have chosen South Korea but I choose India because in India at wedding time there are many ceremonies and functions so at I can write many romantics scene of every members that's why I choose India and Indian marriage ceremony. And English is not my first language, so if I make any mistakes then please forgive your beloved author


Today at malviya nagar(bhopal) there was a crowd outside of the park house since morning because Ra Ae-cha was dead. In the name of the family she had only one daughter. She was ill for many years but today she said goodbye to this world. Her only daughter jimin is 21 years old, she is a last year student of indore National University. She was crying hard. Some women are trying to console her but she didn't stop crying after loosing her mother how can she stop crying, no one is there except her mom in this world but today she also left her. For studying purpose Ra Ae-cha sent Jimin to Indore. And only Ae-cha knows the reason why she sent her indore. There are many secrets which Jimin wants to know but her mother doesn't tell her, today she died and along with her also went all the secrets that Jimin had wanted to know for many years.

In Indore, she studies in Indore national college and lives in the college hostel. Jimin is an introvert type person, so she spent most of the time with her books 📚, she doesn't have many friends in the college she has one best friend in college her name is Kim taehyung. Tae lives in Indore with her family. Jimin and tae both are soulmates their bondings are too strong they always share everything with eachother, jimin is very mature girl. They both spent their 2 years together in college.

She spent very less time with her mother. Don't know why what's the reason but her mother always kept her away from her. Like that one month passed when she started to recover from the incident she left to indore.

When she came to her hostel, she changed her clothes and left for college. After reaching college, the first thing she did was go to the principal's office and she told everything to the principal. Because Jimin is the brilliant student so the principal accepts her leave and after saying thank you she left from there for her class.

After reaching her class she sat in her seat🪑 and staring the floor then suddenly she listened one voice when she raise her head up she saw her best friend who is standing infront of her.

Tae: oh miss, where were you from these days? No calls, no messages you know how much tensed I was.

When Jimin didn't give any reply then she sat beside her and asked.

Tae: what happened, jimina? Is everything fine?

After listening that Jimin started crying and hug tae tightly and said.

Jm: Tae my mom... My mom is no more tae, now no one is for me in this world I am alone Tae, in the name of family I am alone. (While sobbing)

After breaking the hug Tae she hold her hand and said.

Tae: jimina we can't do anything in this because it's universal truth we all have to go from this world. Today you said these words but don't say these things again I am here for you Jimina you are not alone, I am your family Jimina

After that again she hug 🫂 her. Tae starts to console her after sometime when she stopped crying they both left for their class. After their classes ended tae said to Jimin to take care of her. And they both left for their home.

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