A cage for a cage💔 || Philza

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Philza x bird!reader

Hope you enjoy my dear
I love you

Phil pov☆

I was checking out the underground
farm in Tallulah and Chayanne's
room because the trapdoor had
completely vanished, I was looking
around when right infront of me I
spot a purple like chest it looked like
something that Tallulah would do but
it couldn't have been her she's
disappeared with all the rest of the
eggs. I opened it and saw lots of
amapolas in the centre a book and
quil. I closed the chest after grabbing
the book, opened it and started
reading it.

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A wise crow missed the
to see his
children fledge.

Alas, such important
step while nurturing
should not be left out.

A safe nest, built with
love, should be more

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" Father, please come
and reunite with us!"
one of the hatching
eggs said.

Crows can fly, no
need to carry
unnecessary weight
on your shoulders. So
leaving your stuff
behind, will be the best
for easy travel.

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Despite crows
travelling in flocks,
this is a good
opportunity for the
crow to redeem
himself and go alone.

X: -1378 Z:12079

{ The end of the book }

I got there and when I saw a
beautiful house right infront of me 1
had a feeling of unease or something
like that. It looked like it was always
here but...how? No-one on the server
nas ever mentioned this building
before. The door was left open so I
went in to be met with a whole lot of
birds in every kind but one especially
caught my eye it was a dove it looked
so human like but that might be
something normal,

I started to wonder around the place,
calling out for Chayanne and
Tallulah, telling them to come out
and that it's safe to come out of
hiding. That's when saw a chest out
in the open, I opened it and saw a
book in there alone
" who's this book from?" I thought to
myself, I opened the book and started
reading it out loud but then I saw
something in the book..
" A cage for a cage? " then out of
nowhere Cucurucho comes in
laughing, I start panicking on what to
do then the door closes and locks

"No,no,no,no,NO! LET ME OUT!!" but
I already knew that no-one was coming to save me." Am I going to die
in here? No, why would I think that?"
My thoughts were out of control I felt
like I was going insane and I only just
got locked in this closed off area with
no light, no freedom..nothing. I
thought I heard a woman's voice but
I remembered that no one was there
with me.

So how would I hear a woman's
voice? Or is one of the birds a hybrid
like me? I sat down and started to
just zone out bored and in fear of
what was going to happen to me,
Hours went past and I was still sitting
there bored and zoned out but then I
saw one of the birds land right
onto me.

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