*☆Chapter 3☆*

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Heather's POV

''Hello? Courtney Satella, how can I help you?''

I paused. I didn't have her actual phone number, but it wasn't the best idea to call her on her work phone. So what the frick am I actually going to say?

''Hello? Still there?''

''Er- yeah!'' I said quickly

''Alright..so miss is there anything I can help you with?'' she responded, her voice laced with annoyance.

''It's me.'' 

Oh my lord. Why did I say that.

''What? Listen here. I am a very busy woman, so if you don't have anything importa-''

''Courtney! It's me Heather - from total drama!''

As soon as I said those very few words I heard her voice stop. I heard her stammering ever so slightly too, and if I'm being honest...it was hilarious.  She hesitated for a while. It grew very awkward after a couple of minutes so I exclaimed suddenly

''Courtney? Are you there?''

''H-heather..Is that really you?''

''What ya think doofus. No, It's me GwEn! Anyway, I called you to get your number. I'd thought it'd be yknow.. nice to keep in touch after total drama.''

''Heather! Did you forget I'm a C.I.T? You don't call C.I.Ts doofuses. Ugh, but yeah, I'll give you my number. Let me just get my phone..

I heard quite a lot of shuffling from the other side of the phone. It was unlike her to be so unorganized, she is Courtney. I was thinking of making fun of her for it, but to be fair - she was the one who put a stop to Chris' atrocities. Without her, another poor set of teens would be forced to the most mortifying, disgusting and absolut-

''Heather? I'll read my number out. My shift ends in about 1 hour, so you can call me after that.''

So it was settled. At around half past 4, me,Lindsay and Courtney will go out to town. It's embarrassing to say, but I missed them all so much, and I cant wait to hear whats going on!

Alejandro's POV

Ok, This is bad.

Really bad.

My parents are making me marry a girl I haven't even met.

I don't know who she is, except the fact she's absolutely filthy rich and very pretty.

Usually, I wouldn't have too much of a problem. But after my heart racing for Heather again, I just don't know. It all happened at once too. They sat me down and announced I'll marry someone. I DON'T KNOW. I love my parents both, but sometimes, I just want to run away. Mi madre  said it was more of my My papa's idea. She knows my heart is on Heather, but even I know she's not going to come back. She's forgotten. I'll have to marry someone else. Alas, I really really don't want to.


Tyler's POV

Guess what!

 Chris Mclean is getting sued! I think that's a good thing. Although he didn't do anything TO ME, he did some bad bad bad bad bad stuff in season four. I would hate that! HE ADDED MUTANT CHICKENS. Yep. Mutant chickens. That guy is really mean, and I bet he's super bad at sports too!

Anyway, Lindsay and me are going to go shopping soon! She said some of the other Total Drama chicks are coming along too. It's probably going to be boring, but it makes Lindsay really happy and that's really cute so I'll go along with it!!

Lindsay also says when shopping she'll get her name tattooed on her wrist when shes shopping! Then, she will never forget my name and remember it forever and ever and ever and ever and ever! 

She's a little worried it'll turn out bad, but shes my Lindsay right? She looks good in EVERYTHING!

(A/N - Since this is my first book, usually the chapters will be really short (unluckily) and since I have literally 0 motivation lol, but if your reading this THANK YOU SO SO MUCH X ☆)

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