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Present day.

Valerie sighed softly, pulling her blonde hair into a tight ponytail. She stood outside the gym, trying to find the will to actually go inside. She was meeting her good friend, Freyja inside. She was exhausted, the eyebags under her eyes making it painfully obvious. She still lived at home with her father and his wild party lifestyle, while her older sister had spread her wings and moved out. She loved her family, but living with a very loud grown man and his friends was not fun for a petite young adult, who required sleep.

"You know, standing outside and staring at the building doesn't have much affect" she heard a sassy tone call out. Valerie chuckled slightly, her eyes finding the source of the voice.. her friend Freyja. She hoisted her gym back over her shoulder, jogging over to hug and greet her friend. Her brunette friend embraced her with a smile, the two being extremely close meant this was one of many hugs during their friendship.

"Yeah well.. considering the fact I've barely slept and I have no Will to live, I think you can cut me some slack" Valerie spoke up, yawning in the process. Freyja frowned slightly, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"dad?" Freyja asked, although she already knew the answer. The Phoenix had met her father and his buddies before, they were loving people .. but extremely rowdy. The blonde only nodded, rubbing her eyes. The brunette sighed, nodding and taking her arm. They entered the gym together, the fresh smell and cool air immediately relaxing Valerie. Within the next 15 minutes, the two girls were in the ring and ready to go. Before anything, however.. Valerie heard a distant laugh. She turned her head.. spotting the two other Phoenix siblings at the other side of the gym. She'd never spoken to either of them, however she knew they were Freyja's siblings.

There was Demitria, Demi as her friends called her. She wasn't as tall as her brother, standing at about 5'7. Her fiery locks were tied up in a ponytail, a blonde streak running through. She was pale, almost like a ghost. Demi was sinister, sneaky... but she'd die for her siblings. She was nudging her older brother, chuckling as he did his best to grab one of the weights without his sister's distraction. Damian, a few inches taller than his sister, his entire body covered in tattoos. His long hair was tied into a ponytail, a seemingly permanent glare etched onto his face. He was always serious, never really smiled. The siblings were so alike yet so different at the same time, it intrigued the blonde. Freyja caught her friend staring, making her cross her arms.

"You done eyeing up my siblings?" Freyja said, tilting her head. Valerie jumped slightly, stuttering in embarrassment. The oldest Phoenix laughed at her friend's reaction, shaking her head.

"I'm kidding val.. I promise" she muttered with a smile. Valerie smiled in return, although her mind kept wandering... how come the three never interacted together unless it was at work? And why did she feel so drawn to know more?

As the two locked up, she was suddenly aware of the few sets of eyes on them. She didn't know who, and she didn't care. Wrestling was the girl's escape, her safe place. Even wrestling live on TV, the big crowds and the cameras on her were irrelevant in the moment. After back and forth, Valerie got the upper hand on Freyja- pinning her for the 3 count. The blonde let out a breath, chuckling and holding out a hand for her friend.

She heard clapping, making her head snap over to the outside of the ring. There they stood, the two remaining Phoenix siblings. Demi had a small smirk on her lips, but Damian's face was practically unreadable. Demi spoke first, leaning against the apron of the ring.

"Impressive!" She called out, giving her brother a glance before looking back at the Nightingale Girl. Damian didn't say a word, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Leave the poor girl alone Demitria." Freyja said breathlessly, getting up and wrapping an arm around Valerie's shoulders. The redheaded Phoenix only laughed, throwing her hands up in defence. Freyja was extremely protective of her younger friend, she felt as if Valerie was too pure and bubbly to be associated with people such as her siblings.

"It was just a compliment, Freyja." Damian finally spoke up, honestly his voice made Valerie jump slightly. She'd never heard him talk, his voice was raspy.. kinda deep. Freyja just rolled her eyes at her brother, leading Valerie out of the ring. She heard the chuckles from Demitria, but her mind felt as if it was elsewhere. Why had the two suddenly taken interest? Freyja noticed the distant look in her friends eyes, as she snapped her fingers in front of her face. She came to, blinking and looking at Freyja.

"Sorry.. was in my own little world there" the blonde chuckled, crossing her arms as they went to go work on a few other things.

A few hours later, Valerie's house.

Valerie was sat on her bed, scrolling through Netflix.. typical Thursday evening antics- when her phone buzzed. She figured it was either of her childhood friends, Chloe and Lauren or maybe Freyja, so she checked.

Hi, it's Damian.

How the hell did he get my number..?

Oh wow, Hi. How did you get my number?

Demitria gave it to me.

Okayyy.. and how did Demitria get my number?


Checks out. She thought.

Ah.. yeah makes sense. Did you need something?

Meanwhile, Damian sat in his own family home thinking what to type. He wrote and rewrote the message multiple times, running a hand down his face. His little sister walked over, just coming out of the shower with a towel in her hands. She frowned at his expression, sitting next to him.

"What's the resting bitch face for?" She muttered, leaning over to see his phone. She gasped when she saw, a huge smirk on her face. Damian tried to defend himself, putting his finger up to shush her but she wasn't done.

"You're texting that little blonde chick!!" She exclaimed, laughing- almost like a cackle. Freyja overheard, her head perking up.

"I hope you don't mean Valerie." Freyja spoke up, a worried look crossing her face. Damian stayed silent, which made their older sister sigh.

"I told you to leave her alone! She's not another little helpless victim you guys can watch squirm, she's my best friend and I'll be Damned if you take her from me." The brunette's voice raised, she was annoyed at them for going against her wishes. Demi sighed, shrugging at her sister's words.

"It's just a bit of harmless fun, Frey. What's the big deal?"

Back with Valerie, she found herself staring at the chat- awaiting a response. She saw the text bubble appear and disappear, it slightly confused her.

No no.. I suppose I wanted to thank you for kicking my sister's ass. She needed that humbling.

Valerie laughed softly, sitting cross legged and resting her elbows on her legs.

She's my friend, it was just a harmless match! But I'm glad that made your day I suppose? 🤣

Damian grinned ever so slightly, tuning out his sisters' arguing.

It did, sunshine.

This took valerie off guard, the dude everyone was shit scared of just called her sunshine?

:) okay well I gotta get some rest, my family are extremely loud and I may as well try now before everything kicks off.

Spooky man:
That would be wise.

Goodnight spooky man!!

Damian's smile grew, only giving his sisters a quick glance as he typed out:

Spooky man:
Goodnight sunshine.

A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter, there's wayyyy more to come ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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