Fairytale Au P1

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Yep, I'm trying out a AU! Can't wait for more! I'll be posting part 2 soon!

EDIT: Let me know what Au you think I should do next, cause I decided to scrap the Spy one.

Your life sucked.

You had to be born as THE princess, as in the one who EVERYONE wants to marry.

You on the other hand, hated it, and wondered if the universe wanted to make you combust. Your daily routine was the same everyday. Wake up, get forced to wear the MOST frilly and SPARKLY dress they can find, drape yourself in jewelry and manage to walk down the stairs in the highest heels EVER!

You hated it. Yes you loved your family, however the demand for you to be engaged to a prince was overwhelming. Everyday after breakfast, you go down to the grand hall and one by one, princes came from everywhere to meet you.

However most of these men didn't like you for you. Their parents were making them, they looked only at your looks, some just wanted to have kids like their parents said, and some just wanted money.

You were sick of it, and that led to a mess happening. So a prince named Jack came to see you. (I'm sorry if anyone is named Jack.) He came from a very wealthy kingdom and he wanted a beautiful princess. So he came to you.

You were instantly just creeped out by him. I mean the guy looks like he just got out of bed after a long night and didn't shower or make himself look decent. He began flirting and his hand was moving towards your waist.

You immediately, moved away and after a long argument and a kick to the crotch you stormed away to your room. You sat on your bed feeling hopeless. The number of princes wanting to marry you were low, however the committee claims you must only marry a prince, so you would have to choose one way or another.

You stood up abruptly, and changed into town's people's clothes, which were a HUGE difference in comfort ability. You carefully sneaked out of the servant's entrance and quickly snuck onto a nearby cart and covered yourself in the blanket there.

You felt a jolt and the cart started moving on the smooth road, you liked going to the town because you could relax and people there didn't treat you like a savior, just a girl who knows them. You loved buying things for children and helping the baker with the sweets.

Another jolt, told you the cart had arrived on the dirt path leading to the town. You did this many times and always was shocked every time the cart jolted so sharply. You peeked out and saw the tiny, valley town in the distance, coming fast. 

Within several more minutes, you felt the cobblestone path of the town making the cart sway back and forth. You felt the cart slowly stop and slipped out of the covers. You threw back your hood and made your way to the bakery.

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