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Chapter One - Returning to the past────────────────────────

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Chapter One - Returning to the past

A normal day for the students of Hogwarts in the year 1976, you could hear the students chatting, see the teachers patrolling and of course you could see James Potter pinning over Lily Evans which was an everyday occurrence.

"I'm gonna marry her one day, you know?" James said to his friends.

Remus, Sirius and Peter look at each other and then looked at him as if he was on crack.

"Sorry to break it to you mate but she hates you" Sirius tells him.

"It's just the first step of our relationship," James said as if it was obvious.

James looks at him offended, then looks to Remus for backup.

Before Remus could retaliate the great hall doors burst open and in come the Potters, the Weasleys with their three children, the Tonks, the Malfoys, the Blacks, the Lestranges with Alastor Moody and Amelia Bones.

An angry looking Euphemia storms over to her two sons.

"What have you two done now?" She questions sternly.

Both boys look at each other before pointing to the opposite.

"James did it"

"It was Sirius's fault"

James and Sirius looked at each other in betrayal, James fake crying while Sirius has a hand on his chest as if his hearts breaking.

"Guests, may i ask why your here?" Dumbledore asks the people in the great hall.

"We would like to know as well professor" Amelia Bones answered.

Murmuring was heard around the hall when a crash was heard and a pile of bodies dropped with limbs flying everywhere and a red head about 5'6 standing behind them trying to hide her face in embarrassment.

"All of you get up" She hissed.

Once everyone stood up, Dumbledore asked who they were.

A girl with brown hair stood up and began talking.

"We are here from the future, the war you guys are facing now is nothing like what is to come. coming here is a last resort in trying to prevent the massacre that is going to happen" She told them.

Everyone was freaking out a little bit but after a stern shout from Professor Mcgonagall they were able to speak again.

"And how do we know you're telling the truth?" Mcgonagall asks the girl.

"We have brought veritaserum with us" She answers, holding a bottle.

The group of kids get in a line, each of them taking a sip of what's in the bottle.

"My name is Hermione Granger, and i'm muggle born so you wouldn't know my parents" She tells them before stepping to the side.

Most of the slytherins sneer at the girl as she walks past.

"My name is Ron Weasley and my parents are arthur and molly" Ron tells the crowd before going to sit with Hermione.

Arthur and Molly perk up at his name and you can see Molly beaming with joy.

"My name is Ginny Weasley and my parents are also Arthur and Molly" She says smiling.

Molly gasps before turning to her husband.

"We have a girl" She says with tears in her eyes.

"We are Fred and George Weasley and it's pretty obvious who are parents are" They say in unison.

The Prewett twins were whistling and could be heard teasting their sister.

"My name is Neville Longbottom and my parents are Alice and Frank" He says shyly

"Oh Alice he looks just like you" Lily tells her.

"My name is Draco Malfoy and my parents are Lucius and Narcissa"

Narcissa looks at her son in pure joy when he smiles at her and Lucius can't help but feel proud of his son, but when he meets the eyes of his son and sees the hatred in his look his chest tightens wondering why his son was looking at him like that.

The last of the group is the red haired girl with green eyes and everyone looks a Lily when they see her.

Lily's eyes fill with hope when she sees the girl who looks exactly like her and is filled with desperation to know her name.

James's heart sinks as he sees the young girl who looks just like Lily but when he sees her eyes flick to him he can't help but feel some hope that she is his.

The red haired girl pushes aside her nerves and steps up for her turn.

"My name is Ophelia Potter"


The great hall is completely silent.

"I'm sorry, did you just say potter?" James questions Ophelia, excitement brewing in his chest.

"Yeah I did, my parents are James Potter and Lily Evans" Ophelia says with a smile.

"You're my daughter?" Lily asks with tears in her eyes.

"Hi mom" Ophelia says. "Hi dad" She added.

That's when James gets out of his seat and starts running around the hall screaming with joy.

"I GOT THE GIRL" He screams "I MARRIED EVANS" He runs over to his parents.

"You see her mom?!?" He asks, bouncing on his feet. Not letting his mother answer he says

"She's mine and Lilys" with a dopey smile on his face.

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