episode 1

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(note: most of the challenges are just gonna be randomly chosen by the wheel and I won't be doing introductions)

another note: the ones fighting in this "episode" are also chosen by the wheel

!!WARNING: MINOR 9/11 JOKE!! (I'm so sorry and I do not mean to disrespect the brave souls who died in the 9/11 attack)

we're just gonna start out with no teams at all

The host (me) announced "Alright campers! today's challenge is to wrestle other children! I'll draw sticks out of a hat to see who gets chosen first!" everyone looked at each other. Claire turned around and gave Hannah (who was behind her) a hug "Good luck sissy!" Claire said. Hannah pat her head "Good luck Claire. Remember what I taught you." Claire nodded.

"Annie! Vs..." the host announced. Annie stepped forward a bit, full of rage and ready to fight! Even if she had to fight a full grown adult!

"Diane!" Diane and Annie got into the ring, which was really just a medium sized square protected by wooden fences. Diane admittedly felt bad about fighting a 9 year old since she was 13, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta down.

Annie jumped at Diane and roundhouse kicked her in the face! Already knocking Diane down! Before Annie could pin Diane down she kicked Annie in the wrist and picked her up, throwing her across the ring

"Yeah! Go big sis!" Diane heard Aaron call out. Diane smiled a bit and waited until Annie sprinted at her. She moved slightly to the left at the last second and held her leg out, making Annie trip but she caught herself. Diane looked at Annie, full of guilt and anger. She snuck behind Annie and locked her in a chokehold.

Annie tried to fight back but she just couldn't! After failing miserably for a few seconds Diane smacked her against the ground and pinned her down.

"1...2...3!" the host announced "Annie loses, Diane you're going up against..."

the host pulled a piece of paper out of their pocket "Lana! No using powers!" Lana groaned and Grayson's one eye turned red with anger.

After Diane and Lana were both in the ring Lana just took a deep breath "Let's get this over with." she charged at Diane and tackled her immediately! Diane pulled Lana's hair and grabbed onto her neck while kicking her in the stomach. Lana bit Diane's leg and pushed her down, biting into her arms as well.

"Come on sis! For dad!" Diane heard Aaron called, but after seeing Daniel push Aaron she completely forgot about the challenge. She jumped out of the room and hit Daniel right in the face "NOBODY MESSES WITH MY BROTHER!" she shouted. Cameran came over and joined


Diane: what? The only person allowed to beat up my brother is ME!

Confessional ends

"Enough! Diane, you're disqualified, Cameran, you're on the bench until I call you out." Diane and Cameran went and sat on the bench. Aaron walked over and joined them, waiting to see who would be next.

"By default, that means Lana wins! So Lana, you're up against..." they pulled a piece of paper out "Max! Good luck fat guy!" Hannah playfully punched Max on the back "You're gonna die out there man." Max nodded and knew that if he wanted to impress Hannah he would have to win this somehow.

Once Max got into the ring, Lana scoffed "A kid? Seriously? I'm not fighting a-" before she could finish the sentence she got cut off by Max punching her in her stomach. She tried punching him back but he caught her fist.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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