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"Speak comfort to me, Jacob!"

Scrooge looked up at the apparition that stood before him. An emotion that he couldn't quite read flickered across the ghost's face.

"I have none to give." The ghost squeezed the rusty chains around it's waist, staring straight at Scrooge.

Scrooge looked down at his knees, and back up at the spirit. "Jacob..." He began, wetting his lips. The ghost slightly tilted it's head, awaiting the man's next words.

"...Jacob, you were always a good friend to me." He gripped the fabric of his gown, "Thank'ee."

The ghost squeezed it's eyes shut and nodded. "I wish I could stay longer, Ebenezer. Here, with you." It's grip on the chains tightened, "But I cannot linger." Upon hearing these words, Scrooge attempted to grab the ghost by it's coat, but his hand immediately phased through. "Oh," he muttered. The ghost frowned.

He wrung his hands. "Um, can you not stay for just a little while longer?" The ghost shook it's head. "I have much more ground to cover, Ebenezer."

"I know that, but just for a little bit. I finally get to see my dear friend after several long, horrid years, and he cannot even stay with me for a few more minutes."

The ghost contemplated for a minute, before throwing its cash boxes to the side, and taking it's seat in a chair by the fireplace.

"I've missed you." Scrooge mumbled.

"I know." The ghost looked down, wringing it's chains.

The room was silent for a minute, save for the crackling of the fireplace, and the occasional clinking of chains.

"I've missed you too." The ghost finally spoke up. It looked down at Scrooge. "You are still on the floor."

Scrooge quickly stood up, brushing off his knees and taking a seat across from the ghost.

Another beat of silence.

"I wish I could still touch you, Ebenezer."

Scrooge sucked in his breath and blinked away a tear. "Why can't you just stay here forever?"

"You know I can't do that."

"I know, but I wish you could."

The ghost stared straight ahead. "You were the only person I could ever truly get along with, during my days amidst the land of the living."

"I know."

The ghost stood and walked over to Scrooge. It crouched and laid it's head on his thigh, or atleast it pretended to, for it's head still laid half an inch above it.

"You know you can't touch me anymore. Why are you doing that?"

"It's still comforting."

The room went silent once more. There was a slight tingle on Scrooge's thigh where the spirit's head rest. He desperately wanted to card his fingers through Jacob's hair, just one more time.

Marley began to raise his head, and stood, his hand lingering on Scrooge's shoulder. "I must go now. I fear I've spent too much time here." Scrooge nodded and stood as Marley dragged his chains behind him to the window. Before he left, Scrooge cried out, "Wait!"

Marley turned around, halfway out of the window. "Yes?"

Scrooge clenched and unclenched his hands, "Will you ever come back to see me, Jacob?"

Marley's brows furrowed as he shook his head. He took notice of the frown on Scrooge's face, and motioned for him to come over, to which the man walked over to the window. Marley held out his hand. Scrooge took it, a tear rolling down his cheek as Marley placed a kiss on it, leaving yet another tingling feeling. Marley let go of his hand and turned back around, exiting the window.

"Goodbye, Jacob!" Scrooge hollered through the window as he floated off. "I won't forget you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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"Speak comfort to me, Jacob!" || Ebenezer Scrooge x Jacob MarleyWhere stories live. Discover now