Love is a Mysery

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Chapter 1

Our main character Dylan above, this is my first story so no hatin all you judgemental people out there.

Beep...beep...beep... "It's time to get up sleepyhead don't want to miss your first day of school"

"Ugh" I grabbed my pillow and buried my face into it.

"Get up lazy bones" she said dragging the sheets of off me.

She hovered above me as she gave me a firm stare. Damn, all shits about to break loose because when she gives you the stare it never ends well.

"Ok ok, i'm up women gosh a guy can't get some sleep around here" I said.

"No he can't, especially one that's going to be late on his first day of Sophomore year" she sighed.

I looked at the time realizing it was 7:47.

"How could you not wake me sooner!" I yelled.

"I did come in here before but you said 5 more minutes so I left" she said.

"What kind of parent are you! Don't actually listen to me" I screamed.

"Well sorry, I'll keep that in mind next time" She said laughing.

Women, can't live with them. Period! I rushed around looking for some clothes then running into the bathroom to brush my hair and comb my teeth. Wait what... I mean comb my hair and brush my teeth. Damn, what is wrong with me today. Oh, I need ma fruit loops!

I ran down the stairs entering the kitchen and grabbing the box of fruit loops. I poured myself a bowl full, with some milk. I sat down eating quickly as I text my best friend Baxter to come pick me up.

Soon after I heard the "HONK" coming from outside. I grabbed my backpack and kissed my mom on the cheek before making my way over to my best friend Baxter's car and getting in,

"Hey Dyl, ready for sophomore year" he said grinning.

"Hell yea" I yelled.

"I missed you dude, with going away for the summer and all" he said apologetically.

"It's all right man, it was boring without you here all summer but I got my best friend back for sophomore year" I said.

He grinned at me as he pulled out of my driveway and started heading down the street towards school. He turned on the radio and we both stopped and looked at each other before bursting out singing.

I hopped off the plane at L.A.X.

With a dream and my cardigan

Welcome to the land of Fame Excess (Whoa), am I gonna fit in?

Jumped in the cab here I am for the first time

Look to my right, and I see the Hollywood sign

This is all so crazy, everybody seems so famous

My tummy's turning and I'm feeling kind of home sick

Too much pressure and I'm nervous

That's when the taxi man turned on the radio

And a Jay-Z song was on

And a Jay-Z song was on

And a Jay-Z song was on

So I put my hands up

They're playing my song

The butterflies fly away

Nodding my head like Yeah

Moving my hips like Yeah

I got my hands up

They're playing my song

You know I'm gonna be o-HONK!

"The hell" I screamed.

Baxter went to park in a parking space when this crazy nut job came in trying to steal it. Oh, hell nah!

I got out of the car and went up to the car holding my arms up in a way that says 'are you for real'. They whined down their window and believe me, I was not surprised. It was the school's biggest jackass and may I say slut, Callum. He beats up poor defenseless kids and will sleep with any girl he can get his hands on.

He smirked.

Gosh, I hate him with a passion.

"So, are you going to move the car or am I going to have to make you move it" he said smiling wickedly.

"Are you going to back of or am I going to have to punch you in your dare I say, ugly as fuck face" I said smiling.

His smile dropped and he backed up to find a new parking space. I don't blame him because he knew I was serious. I also have a black belt in karate. I shrugged and went to get my book bag from Baxter's car.

"You are my best friend since diapers and I love you" he said laughing.

"I know, now bow down and worship me" I told him.

He just cracked up more putting his hand on my back and pushing me along.

"No, I was serious" I said.

He just laughed harder and held his stomach, at this point I was frowning. I walked away from him getting my schedule and locker number.

"Hey, wait up!" Baxter said running towards me.

"Are you ready to worship me" I said looking a him.

"Yea man" he chuckled getting his schedule and locker number also.

We had lockers next to each other which was great and we also had the same classes which was awesome!

I felt a tap on my shoulder as I turned around and was met face to face with a girl. She was a little shorter than me with red hair and brown eyes.

"Hi, my names Amy and I was standing over there when I saw you and I think I fell in love with you at first sight" she said smiling.

I on the other hand was not smiling and I know Baxter knew what was coming because he had a worried look on his face.

"Well Amy, I don't believe in love. That shit is messed up and it only ends up hurting others in the process. I won't accept your feelings because it will only hurt you in the end leaving you to feel empty inside. So its probably better if you find someone else that can play along with your sick belief of love" I told her walking away.

"Damn dude, you really get upset when someone mentions the L word" Baxter said.

He knew why I hated love but that's a story for another day. We made our way to first period which was English taking our seats in the back. Kids started filing in after the bell rang. Soon after the teacher came in.

"Hello class, my names Mr.Myler and I'll be your English teacher this year"

After he gave a long speech about what's going to go down in his class this year and what he's expecting the door opened and a girl came in. She had long black hair, dark blue eyes, and fair skin. She handed him i'm suspecting a late pass. She turned to take a seat when her eyes met mine.


What the hell is going on?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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