Chapter seven

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July 8 2023
New York 1:45am

3rd person pov

"YOU AND DD WHAT?" Ddot yelled "shut up ddot"
"I can't believe you kissed see I knew you liked him" "I don't like him it was just the moment" ddot rolled his eye "hold on imma go to the bathroom rq" Asia told him. When Nyasia left ddot added dd to the call "Igh I'm back" she said as she looked at the phone and seen ddot laughing and dd playing the game she rolled her eyes.

Later they were All laughing asia and dd never mentioned the kiss and just left it. "Ok y'all I'm bout to gts goodnight" "goodnight" they both said and Nyasia hung up. Nyasia could barely sleep consistently thinking abt what happened. She got up and went downstairs she seen atlas asleep on the couch. She walk over by the door got her keys and left. She put on her music grabbing her jacket out of the back seat.

20 min later she got out the car and going to sit down on a rock. She looked out by the ledge of the cliff she went to. She sat there for a min she look at her phone to see the time. It was 3:45am she turned her phone on dnd and went to sit on the ledge. She started to think about how it's been a year since notti. Memories flooded her mind as she started crying.

July 8 2023
New York 6:20am

Nyasia unlocked the door walking inside. She put her keys up she seen that atlas went to his room as he wasn't on the couch anymore. She took her shoes off going upstairs to lay down.

Nyasia woke up to music. She got up going to the bathroom to take a shower. After she got out she did her routine. Walking back in her room to get dressed. She put on a bra and her matching underwear.

She started to roll up when she finished rolling up she turned on YouTube

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She started to roll up when she finished rolling up she turned on YouTube. She up on amp she started to get the munchies after she smoked. Walking downstairs she seen Kai and atlas she walked down further. She soon seen dd and ddot. "Fuck is y'all doing here" she asked and dd looked at her as he licked his lips. "Atlas and Kai invited us" ddot said as he went and sat by Kai. She walked over to get some snacks. She grabbed a cup and poured some orange juice in it. "You look mad good ma" dd said as he looked at her with low red eyes. She looked at him up and down. She couldn't lie he looked mad fine. "Dd get away from me bro" she said in a chuckle.

July 8 2023
New York  12:34pm

                                   Nyasia lee green                      "Uh what are you talking abt?"

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Nyasia lee green
"Uh what are you talking abt?"

I walk over grabbing my orange juice and my snacks walking back up to my room. I walk in closing my door and sitting my snacks down. Un pausing my tv as my door swings open. And dd walks in "David what do you want?" "Yo that's mad fed" he replied I turned around seeing him eating my hunny bun "Mmcht Bru frl I got the munchies" I whined "so do I" he said. I walked over sitting next to him on my bed and open my bag of takis. "Lemme get sum ma" he said as he reached over I pulled the bag away "Bru stop being greedy" he said and I gave him sum I reached over grabbing my orange juice. "Here you want the rest?" I asked and he nodded I pulled a wet wipe of of my night stand. I have dd one throwing mine away. We watched tv for a little bit.

July 8 2023
New York 5:34pm

I woke up and looked at the time thinking to myself how i fell asleep. I got up looking over seeing dd sleep I went downstairs and seen ddot and atlas playing the game. I went in the kitchen and seen Kai eating. "You and dd looked mad comfortable" ddot said I just rolled my eye as dd soon walked down rubbing his eye. Dd went and sat by ddot "are y'all hungry?" Ddot asked Kai and atlas said yeah as i nodded my head "Ight imma order Chinese come tell me what you want" everyone told ddot what they wanted and just did there own thing till the food came. 20-30 min later the food came and everyone got there food. Atlas ddot and dd sat on the couch. I sat in front of dd and kai sat by me. We all watched tv as we ate. I was the first to finish I got up throwing my trash away going into the bathroom to take a shower. Putting on my music and hour later getting out going to my room to get dressed. I seen dd on my bed "Bru can I get dressed" I said "yeah I'm not telling you not too" he said I rolled my eyes grabbing my clothes going into the bathroom hearing him laughing as I left. I put on a white cropped shirt and gray underwear.

 I walked back in my room seeing that dd left

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I walked back in my room seeing that dd left. I went and grabbed my puff walking downstairs. "That shirt is mad little Nyasia go put something else on" atlas said "bru it's fine" I said "your boob is abt to pop out" Kai said "go change Nyasia" atlas said as Ddot laughed and dd just watched. I rolled my eye going upstairs and putting a jacket on it was kinda cold anyways.

July 8 2023
New York 10:12pm

Ddot and dd later came into my room telling me that they were about to leave. After they left the boys came in my room so we could watch a move. Kai soon fell asleep. Me and atlas talked for a while then we soon fell alseep.

(Hope you like this chapter plz vote)

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