Chapter 22

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The picture above doesn't belong to me all rights to respectful owner's

Crystal stayed there crying hunched over for so long. Feeling absolutely helpless.  wondering like anyone would after such a horrifying and embarrassing moment of her life. why and what was she to do, and how was she to live the rest of her life like this. But Zak stayed there with her the whole time. Comforting her telling her it would be okay and that they would figure it out together. But after a while Crystal had cried herself out and managerd to straighten up enough for Zak to help her to walk back to the mansion. But she wouldn't go inside  so zak had to go and  and tell everybody that Crystal was not feeling well and zak was taking her home. When zak came back he put his arms around her and put her head in his chest. Covering her face up with one  arm and cradling her shoulders with his other arm as he walked her slowly home. Sorta covering up her eyes so she couldn't see the way out but also just holding her close and confronting her in silent way. Crystal couldn't really remember the full journey home but before she knew it zak  had somehow gotten them both into Crystals room and was taking her shoes off and was tucking her into bed. 

Kissing the  top of her forehead. And smoothing her hair back. Leaning his face close to her  zak looked her in the eyes and told her.  " Crystal, I'm so sorry that  happened to you. But I'm glad I got there in time to stop something worse from happening than it did."  Zak closed his eyes tight and let out a breath preparing himself for what  he had to say next  "  that's why I didn't want you even going near that mansion in the first place. Or being around sally or any of them. And I've tried my best to keep them away from you and to always be round somewhere near you in case you needed me. But with my duties to slenderman  it's impossible for me to always be round to always keep you safe. . . and I'm sorry to tell you this Crystal but i can't guarantee you that something like this won't happen again because it might. And I. Am. So. Sorry. Crystal.  but I can't. my family is dangerous and are monsters and can do such cruel things sometimes. But I will always try to be there to help you avoid those situations as much as possible and train you to be as strong as a proxy or low ranking pasta need be around the others. I can help you be able to avoid and stay away from situations and how handle things before they get to a bad place. But I can't tell that bad things won't ever happen again because as long as your my girlfriend or alive this will always be in danger and so will i. This is how our lives are. But I'll fully understand if you say you can't handle it and don't won't it. " he lowered his head so she couldn't see his face " believe me I didn't want this type of life and have often wondered if death is just better. " he shook his head still lowered and than looked back up into her eyes "  But I want you to know that in all this time I never lie about how I feel about you. I know that it's kinda hard to believe but I have really grown to care about you a lot. And I just wanted you to know that. I do care about you Crystal and I'm sorry I got you into this at all. I never meant for things to go this way."  He stood up from being leaning over her and turned around towards the window but stops in the middle of the room.  Without turning around he said " just know that whatever you choose to do. That even in this mess of a situation I have really found myself falling in loving with you and that no matter what you choose. . . I understand. And I'll remember you. " he turned slightly over his shoulder to look at her in her eyes. " I will always remember you. " he than turned back and walked over to the window and jumped down out of sight. And leaving Crystal to cry and wonder what in the world was she to do? 

The next day wasn't much better Crystal still felt the raw fear of what had happened at the creepypasta mansion. And what had almost happen there with offenderman. And The raw pain of what having to keep living like this and deal with these experiences over and over again could be. And also she thought about zak. And how in the beginning  how she was so afraid of him and than she started to really like him and may even love him. May?! Who was she kidding of course she loved him. She almost since the beginning felt a strong bond with zak and had love him almost since the beginning. But what about their lives? What about Crystals family? What was there for them? What choice did she have really? To live a life with zak and have his monster family torment her? Or to say she didn't want to be zak's girl and brake zak's heart and hope that slenderman might just kill her and leave her family behind? Is it even worth the risk?  Crystal just needed some peace to think and feel safe but she felt like everywhere and everything was crowding her and she just needed escape. She just needed some escape from everything. Crystal thought but she couldn't find anyplace where safety and peace would be for her.  But than she remembered the church her family goes to and decide to walk there for some peace.  Crystal just walked into the church and just  sat down in one of the back pews and just relaxed in. she was just trying to find peace and safety as she let the protection and peace of the church flood over her. As the preacher talks to the people in the building. Crystal closed her eyes and layer her head back and just listen to the talking not really paying much attention until the preach was quoting the bible 

" Blessed  is the man who remains steadfast in trial, For when he has  stood the test he will  receive the crown of life, Which God has promised to those who love him."

Life is unfair and God understands this and knows that there will be times when life throws you down and you don't have answers. But that is when God is at his closet to you. So that you both may have victory and suffering together. God will not leave you nor forsaken you. He will go thru the trials you face with you. And suffer alongside you. And loving you truly unconditionally and with understanding that only God can have. We as humans it is impossible for us to understand just how big and unconditionally  Gods love really is and we must never ever forget just how powerful that love is. If we are facing difficult situations in our lives and need answers it possibly only take a moment to remind yourself of your own loved ones and how much they mean to you and how even at our worst God is with us and we are never really ever alone. And tho we feel alone and abandon in our times in true need we must remember that that is when our God is at his closest. For you would never holler at someone your next too. Now life will always be hard, Feel hard, hurt harder, cause you to doubt, question, fear things about yourself, cause you to fear what might happen to yourself or those around you. But you must always remember that you never facing life alone  and even at you weakest you were giving   the power to wipe out the devils whole army by yourself. But you are not at your lowest and you are not alone and you must not let your fears or people or uncomfortable situations hold you back from Gods love or spreading the love you have for those around you. Because all it does is take you away from this  life that you  were destiny to have been chosen for.  So I tell you all . . .have courage. Have faith. Have patience in yourself thru these trying times of life bending  hard on you. And have  faith and patience and love for God to help you work  together with him thru what trouble your going thru. And be patient and kind to those around you even when its hard. For remember strength comes in many forms and God gives his tuffst battles to his most important soilders. So be strong and don't let the hardship be a negative but rather a challenge to take arms and do something special and kind for you and others.   and now let us pray  to God for guidance and peace and love over our hearts and those of our loved ones."

Crystal straighten up and joined in the final prayer of the day. Afterwards she stood up and slowly walked out. Kinda in a daze but it was a good kinda daze. After that church visit she felt a lot better. The preacher had talked a lot about anxious stuff and difficult situations. And some of the stuff he had said had unfortunately gone over her head but some of what he had stood out to Crystal and she knew that the preacher was right Crystal wasn't weak or alone. And even if she did feel scared and alone she wast the only one in this situation. That was hurting or afraid with how this was going to turn out. So was zak and he was trying to put on a brave face for her, for both of them here. And she just couldn't leave him standing there all by himself not when this effects both of them. Plus what choice was dying and leaving him and her family if they were still alive after slenderman was done her anyways? Now don't get her wrong this was still a messed up situation with dangerous people and things that she might have to spend the rest of her life surviving but instead of letting doubt and fear control her. Just needed to be stronger and better prepared for the troubles that were bound to come. She had to learn to be a good girl and a survivor as well. And she had to do it for her and zak. Because she did love zak and she did want to be a part of his world kinda. And she wanted to be stronger for zak. For herself and for God. daze But first she needed help and she really needed to get to work. She just heeded to find someone first. 

hey guys so sorry that this took so so long I might to finish this up weeks ago before but Christmas and stuff just got first Place in stuff that I really needed to help my mom out with and just on Christmas I tried to post but something went wrong with the internet and it didn't go through but I still wish you all a very merry Christmas. Happy holidays and a very happy new year. May God bless you all and keep you well. And thank you so much those that are still reading I do plan on forcing myself to finish this story as soon as possible so thank you all so much for supporting me. Anyways see you in the next chapters hopefully really soon.🙏🙏🕊👍👍💕👼🕊🙏💕💕💞

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