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Song Qingshi's injury was not convenient for action. He felt uncomfortable without reading, so he asked Song Jincheng for some medical books. However, how can the scumbag carry study books with him? Song Jincheng took out hundreds of scripts from his mustard bag. Most of them were silly boys who ventured into various adventures, conquered the hearts of peerless beauties, got powerful monster pets as younger brothers, and then upgraded monsters and soared all the way... ...

He took away the "Three Brothers" in Song Qing Dynasty and turned a few pages, saying that he had never read this author's book. He felt that the style was relatively old, the plot was too abusive and the protagonist was not refreshing enough, but he read it carefully. Quite a bit of fun, but I don't know where to buy in the future.

Song Qingshi replied: "It seems that it hasn't been published yet, I also want to know the ending."

Song Jincheng said that in the future, let his familiar bookstore owner pay attention to him.

Song Qingshi thought for a while, and felt that sharpening the knife and not chopping wood by mistake, his physical current situation is not suitable for energy-consuming things, it is better to read the script to relax his mind, adjust his emotions, and consider other things after he recovers from the injury. So he picked up the script recommended by Song Jincheng and read it carefully.

These words are really interesting.

Song Qingshi considered himself to be a deserted person, and he was full of enthusiasm. He couldn't wait to find a secret realm to run in and stroll around two times to see if he could find the Ganoderma lucidum that can resurrect the dead in the script, as well as those interesting medicines... It will be emotional at once, and it is a medicine that can only be relieved by doing bedclothes. He quickly took out his notebook and wrote the drug analysis, and listed the drugs he knew to stimulate the nerve center and skin irritation. I felt that the idea of ​​the drugs in the script was amazing. No matter what kind of love drug, it can be used. The Qingjing Dan suppresses it, and it can be restored without soaking in cold water... How can we achieve the result of death if we don't do the bedclothes?

He bit his pen and thought hard about the formula of a new type of poison. After thinking about it for a long time, he felt like a fool. Why should he consider such a troublesome poison? Occupational habits or...

Song Jincheng didn't like bigu, so he ran out to buy food.

Song Qingshi felt that the window was closed for a long time and was stuffy, which was not conducive to recovery from the injury. He limped and got out of bed, opened the window, and then leaned on the Luohan bed under the window, basking in the sun, eating snacks, and reading a book. weather is good,

The sun was warm, and there was a slight musty smell on the inn's mats, which he managed to remove after a few cleaning spells. The grapes are delicious, but peeling and removing seeds is too troublesome. He didn't want to eat two of them...

He read the book for a long time, rubbed his sore neck, tried to stretch but pulled his injured ribs, gasped with pain, suddenly felt a lot of strange eyes next to him? He looked back vigilantly and found that the window was crowded with small birds, sparrows, skylarks, cuckoos... all kinds, standing in several rows, all tilted their heads and looked at him curiously.

This situation is unreasonable.

Song Qingshi checked his side, and seemed to be lost in thought without finding any bird food.

Probably... the innkeeper likes to feed birds? So the birds come to find food when they arrive?

The bird suddenly dispersed, and a beautiful red fairy bird flew in the distance, of medium size, golden red wings, long tail, and dark golden eyes. It circled him twice, and then stopped on his shoulder. Came up, yelled softly, rubbed his cheeks vigorously for a long time, and then pecked his ear affectionately. Song Qingshi is a little happy. He usually does a lot of animal experiments. There is no animal relationship. Cats, dogs, rabbits, mice and parrots don't like him, but cold-blooded animals such as reptiles and lizards get better...

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