Chapter twenty

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Han's POV

"What is this place?" I asked looking at the building that is situated before me. It looks like it will break in a snap of a finger. "I don't know but I think Changbin and Jeongin is in here l" Chan said walking towards the building. "Wait for me" I followed him.

Seungmin sent us the location for where Shin Sangho was. "Jisung you go that way I'll go to the opposite" chan hyung said as we reached the insight of the building which had two paths. I nodded and took my gun holding it closer to me as I start walking.

The place was pin drop silent and I can't even hear chan's footsteps. So he's faraway from me. The place surprisingly only has a few room or at least the first floor. It's a eight stories building so I never know what it is.

Suddenly, I heard someone running. Who's the hell is playing in this place? I hid behind the pillar watching two unknown figure running. They soon took a turn and hid on the side of the same pillar that I took cover. I recognized them soon enough. It was Changbin and Jeongin. I stood behind them and tapped on Changbin's shoulder. He flinched as I did and turned towards me with wide eyes. Jeongin did the same too.

"You fucking gave me a heart attack" Changbin yelled in a whisper. "Keep quiet" I whispered back as I heard more footsteps.

"They ran over here" said one of the men who came running. "Find them soon" another voice replied. The man was just standing Infront of the pillar and his voice was just too clear.

I glanced at Jeongin who held his breath. He isn't supposed to be here as I'm aware that he's still studying. Changbin had a serious face when he state at me. We are in a situation where we can't even let out a breath as the man is still standing super closer to us.

"Shit" muttered under my breath as I heard the sound of something cracking. It was Jeongin who stepped on something. And I dared to glance at the man Infront of the same pillar I stood. In a spare second I found him with his brows high and he seemed to be a few steps away from the pillar. God knows when he moved away but right now his focus was just on the pillar and maybe he was just looking right at me.

His hand made a movent of an indication. And then that was it. "Guys run" I said. The duo started running and hid behind what looked like an old cupboard. I'm well aware that who ever the two men chased after them clearly saw where they hid.

I came out of my hiding spot staring at the men. They didn't have any visible weapons with them. They were muscular and yeah kinda taller than me obviously.

The men held a smirk on their expression along with their visible anger. "What? a rescuer for them?" They laughed. I stayed silent observing their movement.

The men sprinted towards me at once but I had my guards high and their impact wasn't enough to surprise me. "Let's get over this" I whispered as I kicked on the stomach of the man who was almost in the pose of punching me. He groaned and held his stomach while the other stopped for a second but soon recovered coming back at me.

I waited till the latter was close enough to me. I twisted his arm using my right hand and I cradled his neck using my other hand. My fingers clenched around his neck tightly every passing millisecond. He choked a little while his partner stood up getting over the previous pain.

I took a few steps back while still choking the other's neck. I can feel him going numb in my hold. "I'm going to kill you" the now recover said walking towards me which made me let go of the other body I was holding and in swift,my hand went towards waistband of my jeans and gripped on the pocket knife I had tugged. I slit his throat in a motion as he gripped on my arm.

"That was cool" Jeongin gave me a high five while Changbin just stared. "I wonder where Chan hyung is" I said as we started walking towards wherever the unknown stairs lead us to.

"Chan came too?" Changbin asked with wide eyes. "Of course" it was the most obvious thing that chan came anyways. While we were climbing up the stairs my phone vibrated making both the boys look at me...

Minho's POV

"Seungmin open it soon!" Hyunjin yelled while stomping his feet. "If you can do it just come and do it dramatic ass" Seungmin argued standing up and stopping what he was doing.

"Both of you shut the hell up" Felix who had more Patience than any of us here yelled for the first time. "And Seungmin continue your work". Felix said with his deep-calm voice. Seungmin nodded his head and went towards the metal door again.

So, when we're excited about finding the exit for this hell of a maze we also found that there's a password for the door which is not a digital hackable one. We've been standing here for for the last 40 minutes and probably all of are patience is running thin. I kept quiet waiting for Seungmin to figure it out.

"We only have one to unlock" Seungmin said as we heard a click sound indicating the third lock was unlocked. And there was like a small thread in-between the two ends of the door holding the door firmly. I honestly have no idea how long it will take though.

"Seungmin move" Felix said with angry eyes. Seungmin had a confused expression looking at Felix. Felix stood within a little distance for the door.

"What are you do-" I was cut of by Felix kicking on the door. It was hard enough to make the metal doors vibrate followed with a faint click. "Woah! The thing you did right now was..." I was speechless by what I just encountered but still managed to speak. Even the boys had wide mouths and eyes.

Well moving on, we finally got out of the place and reached the building Changbin mentioned. I guess this is the one as I see no buildings closer to it. We started walking inside and after a few minutes of walking around I felt that the place is awfully quiet. 

"Guys can you hear that" Hyunjin whispered with a serious tone. I heard some faint footsteps from the above indicating that someone's presence in upstairs. We quicky planned to follow the person and climbed up the stairs in no time.

We saw a figure wearing black walking Infront us. "Chan" I said as I noticed that chan was the owner of the footsteps. Chan turned around to face us "oh guys! Are you'll ok?" Chan asked smiling a little through the seriousness in the atmosphere. "Did jisung come?" I asked to confirm. "Yes he did and he went the other way". Chan said making me feel a little mad as the two didn't stay together at least if they did they can save eachother. But I know I can't fight with Chan hyung so I just hummed at his answer.

"First let's find Jisung?" Hyunjin said, probably he got that I was worried. They nodded as we walked towards the opposite direction.

"Seungmin did you try calling any of them" Felix asked. Oh right we can call them! Are we stupid that we never thought about it.

All the boys looked at Felix dumfounded. "Why didn't you say before?" I looked at Seungmin. "I'll try to call them" he said. "Just call Jisung" I said as we continued walking.

"He answered" I snatched the phone from Seungmin's hand. "Jisung you better not be injured or I'm gonna kill you with my own hands" I said as soon as got the phone. "Woah calm down Min" Jisung replied. He wants me to calm like hell I would! "Are you okay?" He asked making me humm.

"Where are you now?".
"In the fourth floor" he answered. "Stay there we coming" I said and hanged up the phone shoving it Seungmin's hand.

"He's in the fourth floor" I informed making them nod their head. "We have two more floors to go but.. this place is so big I don't know how long it'll take to find the staircase" Chan hyung said. "Yeah it's true even when we are coming there's no stairs closer to other." Felix said.

"I'm sure we'll find him in no time and if we didn't I am certain that he will" Hyunjin laughed saying that. "I hope so too" I mumbled...

☬ 𝐓𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 ☬...

And yeah 😅...sorry for the hiatus but I'm losing inspiration and school is so stressful as now I entered the last two years but even if I take time I'll promise to finish this...

How are you'll?

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