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Y/N: May I come in?

Y/F: Yes ( He looks up to search for the owner of that voice and  finds his daughter standing in front of him with a smile holding a black file in her hand)

Y/N: Appa here is the file for today's meeting

Y/F: ( He takes the file from her and starts checking it) Good Job Princess

Y/N: Thank You Appa!

Y/F: Ready for the meeting?

Y/N: Umm yeah.....but Appa I am a little nervous.

Y/F: Don't worry princess. IK you can do it. Just don't be nervous.

Y/N: Hmm

Y/F: Let's go Mr. Cha will be there.

She then went with her father to welcome Mr. Cha, Their soon-to-be business partner..... Both of them came to their office entrance. Y/N was holding a bouquet in her hand and was trying her best not to be nervous. it's not like it is her first meeting with any business partner but this meeting is really important for their Company. Mr. Cha is one of the biggest and most popular businessmen in South Korea and having a deal with him would be really profitable for their company.

She looked at her watch to check the time and found that it was already 11:30 am and Mr.Cha could arrive at any time.

Soon a car in black colour stopped in front of them and a man in his 50s came out of the car. 

Y/F: Welcome Mr.Cha. It's a great pleasure for us to have you here. (both of them shake their hands)

Mr. Cha(Smile)

Y/N (Forwards the bouquet in her hand): This is a small token of love for you, Mr.Cha from Choi's  

Mr.Cha (Takes the bouquet): Thank you Miss Choi for this.

Y/F: Please come inside.

Mr.Cha gave the bouquet to his staff and followed Mr.Choi towards the meeting room. 

After everyone came inside the meeting room the meeting started and Y/N started giving her presentation

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After everyone came inside the meeting room the meeting started and Y/N started giving her presentation.

She started explaining about the profits their company had in the past and also about some of their most popular and loved designs. 


Mr. Cha: Well Mr.Choi I liked your ideas and the designs too. I think it will be profitable for both of us if we collaborate. So I would like to collaborate with you. What say?

Mr Choi: It's such a pleasure for us to collaborate with you, Mr.Cha. Thank you so much for accepting this deal and giving us a chance to Have a deal with a person like you.

Mr.Cha; It's even my pleasure to collaborate with such a big fashion company like yours. 

(both of them shake their hands)

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