Chapter 1- Tranquility

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—Part One: No Safe Home—

The legs of Chloe's chair were not quite the same size, allowing her to rock the chair side to side a few inches. As she rocked, each time the shorter leg would slap against the white linoleum a low pitched thump would echo around the silent classroom.

She sat upright, contrasting against the hunched backs of her other classmates as they desperately scribbled test answers onto a page. Their pencils were in hand, scratching along the paper while her pencil sat in tranquility on her empty desk. A slight smirk lingered on her lips as she sighed impatiently.

Her cool, careless facade was just that- a facade. In reality, she had already finished her test, and probably aced it at that. The bell then rang, startling the class, who were engrossed in their tests (with the exception of Chloe). She casually stood, and sauntered out of the room before anyone else. Her footsteps depicted confidant as she walked down the hall, people smiling and nodding in her direction as she walked. She returned these acknowledgments with a smile. When she reached her locker, she dumped her binder onto the shelf and slung her bag across her shoulder. As she turned, she came face to face with a dirty blonde haired boy with a silly grin on his face.

"Where are you going?" He asked her, his expression matching his grin.

"Home," Chloe replied simply. "And my ride is about to leave."

She then stepped out from in front of him and proceeded down the hall towards the front doors. She was stopped by a few other students, asking her one question or another about a variety of topics. She waved most of them off, determinedly continuing towards her destination. Finally outside the school, a black truck pulled up in front of her. The windows of the truck rolled down, revealing her best friend Brandon.

"You're late." He frowned, never having been very patient.

She stepped into the passenger seat of the truck, slamming the door behind her and returning the waves of her classmates with a small, three fingered one. The truck pulled away from the curb, a fury of spinning tires against the pavement. She was sucked back against the seat with the sudden speed of the car. Her hair blew crazily in the wind through the open window and her fingers sought out the small button that would raise the glass to close the window.

"Do you have any homework?" He asked her. Chloe nodded solemnly.

"And you're planning on doing it?" His voice was incredulous.

"Well, yeah. It's homework, I have to." She snapped, narrowing her eyes.

"Homework is like the speed limit," he grinned. "It's just a suggestion." And with that he pumped his foot harder on the gas pedal, sending the truck flying forward.

Chloe rolled her eyes as she was once again pressed to the back of the seat as the truck accelerated.

"You know what I would like to see you do?" Brandon smirked. Chloe cocked her eyebrows upwards in curiosity.

"Skip class." His eyes gleamed mischievously.

This remark earned him an even more accentuated eye roll as the truck pulled up in front of a large white home.

"Here's your stop." Brandon stated, throwing the car into park.

"Thanks for the ride." Chloe smiled as stepped down from the truck.

The house was the honest face of normality. A swing set could be seen looming in the backyard, the lawn was trimmed and small shrubs lined the front sidewalk. Chloe had known this place as home for as she long as she had lived and the house become a symbolic representation of her childhood.

The front door opened soundlessly as Chloe entered the house, quickly shutting the door behind her. The house was dark. She had expected this as it was a Monday and both her parents worked. On their way home, they would pick up Chloe's little sister Clara from school.

Chloe relished this time alone- when everything was silent- she wouldn't hear the voices of her classmates, or the teachers droning voice, or even Clara's high pitched squeal. It was a time where she could clear her mind and successfully finish her homework- without distractions.

Her math book soon lay on the kitchen table in front of her, her pencil scribbling in the answers to today's lesson. The time rolled by just as the pages of her text book turned with each passing minute until the front door opened and the voices of her parents broke the savoured silence.

(This is my new story! I hope you all like! Kindly leave a comment with your thought so far and make sure to vote!)

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