Chapter 19- Technically

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Chloe's breath staggered out of her lips as the sharp sound of a whistle bellowed through the air. The whistle marked the end of practice, and Chloe couldn't be more relieved. As much as she loved lacrosse, practices were gruelling and the end of the lacrosse season marked the proximity of summer. Panting, the team staggered over to the change rooms. As Chloe walked, visions of a cool shower embedded in her mind, a hand suddenly clasped around her thin wrist. Stunned, Chloe was pulled backwards around the corner of the building. She spun on her heels, facing the person who had grabbed her as she exhaled in relief.

"You scared me!" She cried, playfully pushing Ricky. He laughed whole-heartedly as Chloe's heart rate settled back into its normal pace.

Chloe was mildly aware of the fact that she was drenched in sweat and her deodorant had probably worn off halfway through practice. Nonetheless, she felt comfortable around Ricky and her apprehension melted as Ricky's smile shone like the sun.

"I brought you this." Ricky stated, exposing an ice cream cone that had previously been hidden behind his back.

"I figured if you couldn't come get ice cream, I would bring it to you." He shrugged, his trademark smile spread across his lips. He held the cone out for Chloe and she gratefully took it, thanking him profoundly.

"Maybe it'll help cool you down." Ricky smirked, his eyes scanning the thin layer of sweat of her forehead. Chloe self-consciously brought the back of her hand to her forehead, quickly whipping the retched liquid away.

"No, don't bother," Ricky stopped her, "I think it's hot." He raised his eyebrows flirtatiously as Chloe's jaw dropped.

Perhaps what Chloe hated most about her self was her tendency to blush. The slightest thing- even a teacher calling out her name to answer a question- brought a deep crimson tone to the base of her cheeks. Now was no exception and Chloe could feel the red heat climb into her face. In an attempt to hide the fact that she was undoubtedly blushing, she brought the ice cream cone close to her lips and took the first lick of the creamy substance.

"Do you want any?" Chloe asked politely, noticing that he hadn't brought any ice cream for himself. Ricky opened his mouth to speak, seemingly as if to decline her offer before he forcefully shut his mouth again, reconsidering.

"Sure." He decided, a gleam in his eye.

Chloe passed the cone towards him, their hands briefly overlapping as he took it from her grasp. He noticeably rotated the cone until the section that Chloe had licked was facing towards him. He then took a long lick of the ice cream, directly over the area Chloe had licked. Chloe, taking note of this, cocked her head curiously. Looking up at her, Ricky smiled as he handed her back the cone.

"We technically just kissed." Ricky teased, gesturing towards the cone as Chloe's laughter blended with the air around them.


After Chloe changed from her practice clothes into a pair of mint green shorts coupled with a black tank-top, she left the change room. She headed down the street that she always took on days that she walked home. Humming lightly under her breath, she walked quickly. The sun beat down on her exposed shoulders, reminding her yet again that summer was just around the corner.

She could still taste the vanilla flavour that the ice cream had left in her mouth; a constant reminder of Ricky's impeccable smile. She knew she would see this smile again after school tomorrow, during their study date. The proximity of this date seemed to consume Chloe's thoughts. Her and Ricky obviously had a connection and Chloe couldn't help but wonder if he would take the opportunity to ask her to be his girlfriend during their study session. The rest of the walk home consisted of Chloe's mind reeling through potential scenarios until she arrived at her front steps.

Her hand wrapped around the doorknob, pulling the door open as she stepped into the house.

"I'm home!" She hollered, letting the door slam behind her. She casually strolled into the kitchen where her mother was busily string a pot of some substance that smelt delicious.

"What's for supper?" Chloe asked, the pungent odour streaming into the nostrils as she inhaled.

"Chilli." Her mother replied vaguely and uncharacteristically.

"Is everything okay?" Chloe asked, sensing her mother's tense mood. Chloe's mother scoffed, shaking her head angrily and sending Chloe's heart falling to her feet.

{A/N: this posting once a week plan is really unsuccessful. Please a comment, I want to know how many readers are actually enjoying this.}

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