Chapter Six

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A FEW DAYS had passed since Derek had dropped his bombshell on Alex, and she still couldn't believe what he told her. But now, as she walked into the school, a sense of unease crept over Alex, a feeling of being watched that she just couldn't shake. She had left for school later than usual that morning, thanks to her chat with Derek a few nights ago. Ever since then, she's been constantly worried about her brother Caleb.

As she rounded the corner, Alex suddenly found herself face-to-face with Scott. Despite his calm demeanor, she could sense his concern for her, almost as if he could tell she had a restless night, or rather week. "Alex?"

Alex tried to conceal her uneasiness, but she could see that Scott wasn't buying it. He could see right through her. Scott's heightened sense of hearing immediately picked up on her rapid heartbeat, giving her away.

"Scott... sorry. I was just on my way to Biology."

"Biology just ended... It's almost 9. Where have you been? This is like the third day this week you've been late. Is there something you're not telling me?" His voice wavering slightly, as if unsure of how to ask her the right things without being nosy.

Alex sighs, her shoulders and arms dropping to her side. "Nothing. I'm fine."

"Alex, you know I can hear your heartbeat right? You of all people should know that."

"Yes, Scott! I get it, you have heightened senses, good for you."

Scott's eyebrows shoot up, and he pulls Alex into an empty classroom, shutting the door behind them. He leans his back against one of the desks, crosses his arms, and looks at her. "You know you can talk to me, right?"

"I'm not supposed to say anything yet, not until we come up with a plan. I swore to him I wouldn't tell a soul." 

"Him? Who's him?"

There's a pause, and then Scott finally finds out and realizes who him is.


Alex nods, and takes a deep breath, looking Scott in the eyes. "Derek told me a few nights ago that my brother Caleb had managed to reach out to the police station. How he knows that, no clue. But, my brother said that not only am I in a different reality, but he's completely left alone. Both of our parents have traveled somewhere else."

"What? How did Caleb even get in contact in the first place? We thought that wasn't possible?"
Alex shrugs, "Somehow he rewatched the show and figured out some trick to get in contact with Sheriff Stilinski. Stiles' dad. He says he wants a way to get here."

Scott rubs his temples, trying to process it all. It was one thing having to try and get Alex back to her world. But now, they have a much much bigger problem to deal with.

With so much at stake now, Scott and Alex knew that this was going to be hard. The clock was ticking, and they had to act fast before the very fabric of reality was torn to shreds.

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