Jeff and home

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Alssya's pov
Startled I jump off the swing landing on my feet and wiping my phone out turning off the music so whatever is out there can't hear me.
I gulp, and then begin to walk into the woods. Yes I know it's a dumbass Idea but hey someone might need help.
I past many trees till I come to a clearing, I look around to see a stream and a circle of trees all around me as I feel someone watching me. I smirk cause I am not afarid, Hell why be afarid when you watch your own brother go insane.
"Come the fuck out already!!" I yell out "I already know your here." I then say softly hearing foot steps behind me.
"Sassy I kinda like it." I hear a chuckle behind me. I turn around to see a white bloody hoodie, black skinny jeans, black converse and black long hair. He looks like me.
I think for a minute and my eyes go wide.
"J-Jeff?" I say and he looks up and he looks at me in shock.
"Alssya?" he says and I fall to my knees having a panic attack. He runs towards me wrapping his arms around me like he used to when I was young and whispered soothing things to me.
I look up seeing the same cut smile and burned eyelids.
"How did you find me?" I ask "I changed my name and everything."
"Your my twin and my baby sister, I would never hurt you." He says
I look into his eyes seeing the Jeff I once knew for a moment before standing.
"Did you kill again?" I say wiping the dirt off me, he stands and nods his head. I sigh, "well wanna come see my place?" I ask and he smiles and nods
I take his hand and walk back through the woods to get home.

Jeff's pov
I finally get to see her, I am insane but she always listened to me, she was there for me like Liu now we must find him cause well I need to say I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt him.
I stare at my sisters long black hair flowing through the slight breeze blowing in the woods.
I watch her take out her phone and turning on music, I know the song.
I don't wanna die by Hollywood undead. Some fangirls of mine do tributes to me and choose songs that "fit me"
Anyways what my sister doesn't know is I have been watching her through everything. Adopted parents, school, bullies which I will soon kill, and now her own house at 16. Her adopted parents I killed cause they were abusive to her.
We get to her house and go into the front door.
"Alssya I have something to tell you." I say softly she looks at me and smiles wanting me to keep going.
"Your a proxy, a killer." I say and her eyes go wide.
"What?" is all I hear before she passes out in my arms.

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