clock x fire alarm - similarities

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"Hello everybody!"

I stopped and stared at the person standing in front of everyone. They sort of looked like an alarm clock, as they had 2 bell-like thingies on the top of their head, and on their face appeared to be a set of clock hands, pointing to 3:00. I heard Wheel shout something at them, but i was too enveloped in my own thoughts to acknowledge him, i was only focused on the clock person. Something about them was...weirdly adorable? I couldn't put my finger on it.

Just as i was admiring them, they spoke out.

"I have been here the entire time! It seems like you might not have been very observant."

Their voice flooded my mind as i felt my cheeks unwillingly tense up. I instinctively turned away for a moment to collect myself, before turning back to the clock, only to find that they were staring right at me. Their eyes seemed to light up as they studied me. I felt my stomach drop a bit as i saw them walking up to me.

"Hey, you kinda look like me!" they exclaimed.

I felt my cheeks tense up more, and i hesitantly spoke.

"O- oh- I do?"

"Yeah, We have similar bells!" they pointed to the bells on their head. I looked up at them, as they looked up at mine. I saw their already wide smile grow a tiny bit larger out of the corner of my eye.

"Huh. I suppose we do." i muttered, looking down at the ground beneath us. I heard them clear their throat as they slid away from me back to their original spot. Then they started to talk about a competition show, but i was zoned out. I kept replaying what had just happened in my head - the way they spoke to me, the way they looked at my bells, how happy they seemed as they walked over to me...

I wondered how long they'd be staying here for.



sorry for n chapters for a lon kg time :( also SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT IVE BEEN RUNNING LOW ON IDEAS FOR A WHILE EHRHEHE

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