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      "Where are we now?" I'm exasperated. My vision is very foggy at first, but then eventually adjust to the dimly lit room. This room was even smaller than the other one. I attempt to get up, but my neck, wrist, and ankles are chained to this cold silver dentist like chair. I see different kind of tools a few feet away from me, on a silver tray.
     "Leila." I turn my head to the right and see her laying there still a sleep. She's also chained down.
    "Breathe. Breathe. Breathe." I whisper to myself, frantically.
    "No, not again!" Leila wakes up, fidgeting in the chair. "I know you guys are coming." She closes her eyes. "That's what parents do." She whispers in disbelief.
     I sigh.
   "There's a scene in Cheaper by the Dozen, when they can't find one of the kids and the whole family stops what they're doing - even one of the neighbors - to help find that little boy. To let him know that they truly do care for him," she inhales. "Not with money or gifts, but by just showing up and doing what moms and dads are supposed to do." She sighs.

The room is silent.

"I don't want to die." She cries. "I know I say that I do all the time, but I never meant for it to actually possibly happen, especially like this." Tears continue to run down her face. "We're going to die down here." Her voice breaks. "There's no cameras in here." She looks around.

"You're we're right." I slowly grin.

"About?" She sniffles.

"About the 'criminals' of stories enjoying watching the victim panic and completely loose hope." I chuckle.

   "Why'd you chuckle?" Her forehead wrinkles.

  "Because I love watching you panic and completely loose faith." I break from the restraints and stand next to her. I maliciously smile.

   "What the fuck is going on Arietta?" She tried to break from her restraint, but fails miserably to. "Why?" She tries to stop crying, but the flow of tears keep on running down.

  "You know why." I swiftly walk over to the tray of tools. Two scalpels, a screwdriver, a chisel, a small wrench, and pair of scissors rest on the gray. "This is so exciting!" I cheese real big, picking up the screwdriver.

  "What did I ever do to you?" She squirms.

   "You told me what you did." I walk slowly back over to her. "And you told the whole world."

   "I'm not following." Her voice deepens.

   "You fucking killed my cousin, you bitch!" I scream.

    "Oh my gosh!" Her eyes widen and she whimpers.

   "Yeah." I swallow, waving the screwdriver in her face. "She's dead."

   "I'm so sorry!" She wails some more. "But doing this won't bring her back."

   "Didn't say it would." I stab her in the stomach, twisting the screwdriver in her skin.

   "Please, don't do this!" She screeches.

      I pull the screwdriver out of her stomach, and push it back into the same spot, digging deeper than last time. 

   "Ahh!" She pants. "I can give you anything you want!" Her jaw hangs low.

  "See that's the problem with people like you," I rip out the screwdriver and throw it in the floor. "Y'all think you all are invincible, but you're not!" I abruptly grab one of the scalpels and puncture her in her left eye socket.

  She let out the most horrified, gut-wrenching scream that brought the biggest smile to my face.

  "How did you find out?" She pants.

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