Twice's DnD | Part 5

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Sana, Haeju, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu are following this mysterious goblin. After walking for a few minutes, the path on the ground ended in front of them, right next to a deep cave. From where they're currently standing, they can see that the cave has torches on the side wall, left and right.

The goblin stops and turns around, "Be careful from now on," he says before continue walking towards inside the cave. They look at each others, with mixed feelings after hearing that statement. Tzuyu gets prepared and holds the sword on her hip.

They walk into the cave. For a while, the cave is brighten by the torches. All of them can see clearly. It's also not wide enough for all of them to walk side by side.

The cave gets widdened. It's like getting out of another cave and comes inside a bigger gate. The goblin continue walks leisurely inside. They follow.

But then after walking again for a while, the torches in front of them are turned off. In front of them are so dark, although they can see some torches light continues after around 650 feets. The goblin stops. They look at the eyes of every one of them and hush them. He puts his finger in front of his mouth. Weirdly after that, he ducks and walks stealthily, as if there's something dangerous ahead.

Sana grabs Haeju's hand and Tzuyu's hand. Tzuyu immediately understands. She grabs Chaeyoung's little hafling hand silently, looks at her eyes, and signaling that they have to stick together. Sana whispers to Haeju, "Chaeyoung and Tzuyu are not elves. They cannot see in the dark like us. Now you go lead the team. I'll be right behind you," she says. Haeju silently agrees and walks bravely in front of Chaeyoung while gently pulling them all.

Now they're walking by holding hands with Haeju leading them, being stealthy and careful, following the goblin.

The goblin stays at the left side of the wall. He walks as if he knows this place. Haeju looks around. At first, she thought that she saw another goblin, but not moving. Apparently, it's just a statue. Along the way, Haeju sees a few more figures with different poses. Sometimes, Tzuyu is stumbled into one of them since she can't see anything.

Then after around 300 feets, Haeju sees a huge stone on right side of the wall. But it seems like it's moving. She realizes it's not a rock, but a really huge creature sleeping. There are 3 of them to be precised, sleeping right next to each others. 

Sana sees it too. She cannot say anything because she doesn't want to wake the creatures up. But then, she looks at Tzuyu and Chaeyoung who keep stumbled. They're busy avoiding the goblin's statues. She gulps.

Can all of them succeded on walking safely from those three sleeping monsters and get out of the cave?

Twice's 10th Member HaejuWhere stories live. Discover now