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Hey guys! For this chapter, I've marked the perfect parts to start listening to the new three songs on the playlist (link in bio) with (1), (2), and (3). The first two scenes don't have a song, because I only choose three per chapter and they didn't fit those scenes. I hope I make sense haha. Enjoy the chapter<3


I huffed as I came to a stop, slivers of ice spewing up against the brim of my heels. My legs ached from all the input, but my mind felt satisfied with the amount of work I had done today. Grinning at me, Keith too came to a stop right next to me, a fresh blow of wind smacking in my face.

"...There is no way you actually did that— how?!"

Keith just shrugged, adjusting the straps on one of his skates. "I'm just cool like that." He wiggled his eyebrows, a few strands of hair flying out of place.

Failing to stop a laugh from rolling past my lips, I hid it with a playful scoff. "Pretty sure that's illegal. Not cool."

He let out a theatrical gasp, placing a hand on his chest with a faux offended pout. "Excuse me? How dare you insult my computer hacking skills," he huffed, almost slipping because of all these dramatic gestures.

I chuckled, reaching my hand out to help him back to balance. "Okay, maybe it was a little cool. Illegal, but cool."

He shot me a dashing smile before fist-bumping the air in triumph. I rolled my eyes with a smile, stretching my arms.


I want to date him.

The thought barged into my head faster than the raging anxiety that hastily followed after. Heat rushed up to my cheeks as I tried to shake the thought away, unsuccessfully so. I bit my lip to contain a stupid smile that threatened to creep up my face, little ants of anxiety mixed with something I couldn't quite recognize tingling at my muscles, pulling them up without my consent. Rude.

I gently shook my head, blinking a few times until my thoughts somewhat faded away. In front of me stood a monstrously huge villa, monochromatic 'colors' breaking out from underneath the fire-painted trees, accompanied by a soft blanket of fallen leaves in slightly darker tones.

Keith fumbled with his keys for a second before the door creaked open, and my God, even the door appeared expensive. I stepped in after him, a stoic warmth welcoming me into Villa Kingston. My mouth fell slightly open when I noticed the humongous crystal chandelier above me, teensy little crystals dangling in circles, reflecting the pale white lights against the matt black walls. A shimmering pearly white marble floor shone from underneath my knock-off Timberlands, showing a weary reflection of myself. It smelled of leather and cleaning products, something I wasn't sure I liked.

Keith chuckled, following my trail of gaze before turning his eyes back to me. "Shocking, huh?" he mused, motioning to everything surrounding us. I eagerly nodded, my hand brushing against one of the little statues displayed on a golden stand. I quickly pulled my hand back, afraid I'd break something. I peeked through the glass door that separated the hallway from the living room, and my eyes widened at how huge it was.

"Let's just head straight upstairs, because I'm not sure if A—" Keith stopped in his tracks, causing me to stop as well, following his gaze. There, on one of the couches -yes, there were several couches- laid a guy who looked somewhat similar to Keith, just, less? Mindlessly scrolling through his phone, he didn't seem to notice us. Keith let out a frustrated sigh, pinching his nose bridge. At that, the guy's head perked up, raising a brow as he glanced between us. "The fuck is this?" he snapped, motioning between us while he slowly crawled up from the couch.

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