Moving to Beacon Hills.

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You wake up for your first day at Beacon Hills High. You get up and throw on a pair of ripped jeans, a white crop top and a oversized grey zip up jacket over it. You keep your hair in a ponytail, you brush your teeth and then go downstairs.

Chris(dad): Morning Honey, Do you want me to give you and Allison a ride to school this morning?
You: Yes please, that would be great. Thank you.
Chris: Are you hungry for breakfast?
You: No, i'm fine thanks.

Then you, Chris and Allison get in the car. He stops outside of the school, Before youse get out he starts talking.
Chris: I want you guys to be careful, if you see anything weird or anyone is being mean, Call me. Okay, Have the best day. Love you guys.
You: Love you dad.
Allison: Thanks dad, Love you.
You and Allison then sit on this bench before going inside, Allison is searching her bag for a pen.
Allison: Great it's the first day and i don't even have a pen.
You: It's fine, the teacher will probably give us one. I don't even have any paper.
Allison laughs and then the head teacher walks out.
Headteacher: You must be Aria and Allison Argent. It's nice to meet you, I'm the principal of Beacon Hills High. We have our Lacrosse team, they play on the field on the other side of the school. I'll take you girls to your first lesson now.
You: Okay, Thank you.

The Principal opens the classroom door and you and Allison walk in. Everyone turns their head to look at youse.
Headteacher: Hello Class, I'd like to introduce you to Aria Argent and Allison Argent. You all need to try your best to make them feel welcome.
Then the headteacher leaves and the teacher tells us where to sit.
Teacher: Aria, you sit behind Mr Stilinksi over there and Allison you can sit behind Mr McCall, next to Aria.
We both nod and take our seats, then the boy in front of Allison turns around and gives her a pen. You give him a weird look, how did he know she needed a pen? Then you just brush it off and then the class finishes. You walk over to your locker, with Allison stood next to you. A strawberry blonde, 5'3, green eyed girl walks over and talks to Allison.
Lydia: That Jacket is killer, and you are my new best friend. I'm Lydia.
You slightly laugh and then a boy walks over and kisses Lydia, my face cringes with disgust.
Lydia: Hey Jackson!

You turn around and see the same boy from Class admiring Allison. Then you turn back to look at the three.
Lydia: There's a party this Friday, You two should come?
Allison: Oh, Friday is Family night sorry. Thanks for asking though.

Then it felt like ages until the end of they day. But  finally the bell rang. You and Allison went home, you got your running outfit on and then went for a run in the woods you found. You started running and then you heard a conversation from these 2 boys. "i can see, hear and smell things that i shouldn't be able to see, hear and smell." Then someone else talks, "yeah, i think i've heard of this. It's called lancathopy, It happens once a month, on the full moon." Then he makes a werewolf noise.
You then came from behind the tree and they stop to stare at you, You realise he's a werewolf.
Scott: Oh my god, you scared us. Your Aria, aren't you?
You: Yeah, I am. And i know your a werewolf. I just overheard you guys. You are, Have you been bit?
Scott: I-I, Yeah. I got bit the other day in the woods after I heard a wolf howl.
Stiles: Can we trust you?
You: Yeah, you can trust me. You don't want Allison or my family finding out though. My dads a Werewolf hunter.

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