Making up.

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Me and Allison go to school and she ignores Scott because of how he left her last night. I feel bad because i know the reason he did it and he wanted to protect her. I was still confused on why Derek took us home though. I then walk over to Stiles after seeing Scott and Allison talking.
Aria: What are they talking about?
Stiles: I don't know, probably about Scott running off from the party last night.
Aria: Probably.
They stop talking and Stiles walks over to me and Stiles with a wide smile on his face.
Aria: I'm guessing things went well?
Scott: Yeah, We're going on another date! I'm not going to screw it up this time.
Aria: Damn right your not, she really likes you Scott.

I go through the whole day at school, i then see Derek's car outside the school. I see him pull his sunglasses down to look at me. I smile and get in his car then Stiles, Scott and Allison stand there and watch him take off.
Derek: So how was school?
Aria: Shit. I hate it, i don't wanna go. I just wanna run away and go somewhere nice and be free and happy.
Derek: We all wish that Aria. It's probably never going to happen though. Well you said you like coming to my house, so you can be happy there until you decide to run away. Even though i'd never let you run away.
Aria: Aw because you love me too much.
Derek: No.
I roll my eyes at him and then we walk into his house, we sit on his couch and talk for ages.
Aria: I need to go, my dads going to get suspicious and i need to make sure Allison doesn't tell my dad i left school with you. I don't need you being hunted. I'll see you later ok?
He nods and i kiss him quickly and then walk home. I get in and kick my shoes off and run upstairs. I get to my room and have a nice warm shower. Then i get into bed and watch some movies before Allison walks into my room.
Allison: Hey, who was that guy you left school with today?
Aria: Oh, it's just my friend. Sorry i didn't tell you.
Allison: It's fine don't worry. I made up with Scott, we're going on another date.
Aria: Aw i'm happy for you.
Then me and Allison go downstairs and eat dinner then I go upstairs do some homework and then go to bed.

It's the next day and I go to school before Allison because I agreed to meet up with Scott and Stiles.
Scott: hey.
Aria: Oh hey guyss!
Stiles: We've got a lacrosse game tonight and we need to make sure Scott doesn't change when he gets angry.
Scott: I need help to control it.
Aria: So when you get angry, just focus on the one thing that makes you happy. Think about her.
I say as we all watch Allison and Lydia walk into school together.
Aria: She's going to be watching you, just think if you go all physco werewolf you could hurt her.
Scott: I know, I know!

We finished the school day and it's time for the lacrosse game. I walk out onto the field when i see Stiles nervously on the bench, i walk over and sit next to him.
Aria: Hey stiles! Has the game started yet?
Stiles: Nope, your just on time. I hope nothing happens.
Aria: He can control it.. I'm sure.
Then the game starts, they all start playing and everything's going fine until Scott gets knocked over. I can see the anger in his eyes as they turn yellow, Stiles notices it too. He starts shaking his leg and biting his fingers, I put my hand on his leg.
Aria: Hey it's okay. He's not going to do anything in front of all these people. He knows not to. Especially in front of Allison.
Stiles: Yeah, i guess so.
Then he carries on and the game finishes and our team wins. We all cheer and I hug Stiles. Everyone runs on the pitch to congratulate the team, me and Stiles look for Scott and he's not there. Stiles grabs my hand and then we run into the school.
Stiles: Where would he go?
Aria: The locker room! Go!
We sprint down the corridor and go into the locker room.
Aria: Scott!
He comes around the corner, werewolf form.
Scott: Get away from me!!
Stiles: Scott calm down, Allison is probably going to come looking for you. She can't see you like this Scott.
Scott:Go away!
Aria: Scott! You don't want to hurt Allison, CALM DOWN!
I make him wash his face and he turns back human. Allison walks in but Scott has to hide, me and Stiles have to make an excuse. Scott runs out the side door back onto the field.
Aria: Just trust me.
I whisper in Stiles's ear, I start kissing him. My hands of the back of his head, his hand on my back. We make out as Allison walks round the corner and quickly turns around.
Allison: Woah, i'm sorry. I'm interrupting.
We pull away and smile and then i walk over to Allison.
Aria: Oh no your not interrupting anything. Need something?
Allison: Yeah, have you guys seen Scott?
Stiles: Yeah he just came in here to wash his face, then went back on the field.
Allison nods and then walks out back onto the field to find Scott.
Stiles: Well it worked.
Aria: Yes it did, and i have to say you are quite the kisser Stiles.
He smiles, proud of himself and then we go back onto the field. We see Scott and Allison, Kiss and then she gets in her car to go home. We walk over to him.
Scott: Thanks for helping me Aria.
Aria:No problem, and we also-
Scott: Kissed. Allison told me.
Aria: Why can no one keep secrets around here. Scott don't even give me that look you told Stiles about me.
Scott shrugs and everyone leaves so it's only us sat on the bleachers. Then I see Derek stood there, I walk over to him.
Derek: What happened tonight?
Aria: Nothing?
Derek: Don't lie, did Scott turn into a wolf?
Aria: Well yeah, but we helped him and no one saw.

I then get home and go up to bed, I fall asleep. I wake up and I can sense someone outside my window. I get up and silently open the window and let Derek in.
Aria: Seriously Derek, I was actually sleeping.
Derek: Too bad, Wanna go for a drive?
Aria: You know me so well.
I kiss his cheek and then find something to get changed into.
Derek: I like that top.
Aria: It's urs, i took it.
I smirk at him and then put it on along with my sweatpants. I put some shoes on and me and Derek climb out my window and go for a drive and talk then he takes me home and I go to bed.

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