Book three, chapter twenty-three

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Harry Potter and the Grim Truth. It's the last chapter before this book ends!

We've made it! Who's excited for book 4?

I almost don't believe I managed it. Twenty-three chapters! And the name of this one?


Also, chapter publication update; chapters one and two of book four are gonna be out within the next week or two! depends on how much writing I get done between now and then (theyre both coming because chapter one isnt really a chapter lol)


"We've got ten minutes to get down to the Hospital wing," Hermione said, pulling open the door to the West Tower.

"Right." Harry nodded, forcing his eyes away from the spot in the sky where Sirius and Buckbeak previously were.

"Uh-- should I go down and check that- um- nobody's there?" Lisa asked as they sprinted down the tight, spiral staircase. But she didn't need to, because they could hear voices before they even made it to the bottom of the staircase. It sounded like Fudge and Snape. Harry peeked around the corner-- they were walking rather quickly along the corridor.

"...can only hope Dumbledore won't make any difficulties," Snape said. "The Kiss will be performed immediately, you say?"

"As soon as Macnair returns with the dementors. This whole Black-affair has been highly embarrassing, really, I can't wait to tell you how much I'm looking forward to informing the Prophet that we've caught him at last... I daresay they'll want to interview you, Snape... and once Hayden's back in his right mind, I'm sure he'll want to tell the Prophet himself... ah, excuse me, it's Harry now, isn't it...."

Harry had to bite his tongue to stop himself from doing anything stupid. Stupid "Hayden." He was just able to see Snape's smirk when he and Fudge passed. Their footsteps died away quite shortly. Harry, Hermione, Lisa and Draco didn't wait to see if they were really gone-- there wasn't time to spare, especially not now. Down one staircase, and then another, along one corridor-- then they heard a cackling up ahead.

Draco swore under his breath, before muttering, "Peeves! Stupid-- Peeves!"

"Just, I'unno, freeze him or something! That stuff works on ghosts it should work on Peeves!" Lisa insisted. "That one thingy-- Immo-something!"

"Genius!" cheered Hermione silently. When Peeves came into view, she whispered, "Immobulus!"

He fell to the ground, unmoving. His face hadn't moved either. Of course-- that was the intended outcome; It was just that none of them expected it to work. They didn't even spare it a second to think on-- there were much more important matters to focus on at the moment, as fascinating as the sight was. Lisa forced down laughter while they passed him.

"Three minutes!" Hermione gasped, tripping over her own feet.

After what felt like an eternity, the doors to the hospital wing entrance came into view at the end of the corridor they'd made it to. Draco-- the one who'd yet to use the Time-Turner-- had ran past them only moments ago, looking very startled, but nonetheless, he went into the hospital wing.

They could hear Dumbledore speaking through the now-ajar door.

"I will lock you in. It is currently five minutes to midnight. Three turns should do it. I, personally, would suggest a singular trip between you all, but if it's easier, you may break into groups.... Good luck."

Dumbledore exited the wing, closing the door behind him and taking out his wand to lock it.

"Wait!" Lisa whispered sharply as they all ran forwards. Dumbledore looked up, and a wide smile appeared underneath the silver hair concealing his face.

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